I recently posted on the practice of Dominion… saying “If I keep chasing whispers of wailing and wanting, I will not be nor do my best. My practice of Dominion matters; vitally.” Today, I posted on being aware of 8 biases. If we are to make true Hell Yeah decisions for our lives, we need be aware of these 8. We need to question our own internal biases that can get in the way of decisions to cut, keep, improve and add… in order to be ever more true to ourselves and what (and who) matters most to us.
That said, as my 6-2 birthday approaches February 20, 2022, I have decided that my best gift to myself is actually two-fold; ever committing to finding that peace within … and getting fierce on the execution of my own sense of Dominion, and being true to what I best and most want to do.
Bottom line, if I talk and walk about Character, Purpose and Unity… I best purely pursue it in the next leg of this journey. Finding Purpose requires that we courageously and honestly discern and decide, aware of any biases that can cloud our clarity. I intend to practice that Mindfulness and Candor with myself… my best gift for myself. How about you? What is your best practice of Dominion for your own life? Courageously, honestly discern and decide. Own it, I intend such. Peace. 😉
Barry Lewis Green, The Unity Guy with Epic Engage.
Developing Leadership Character – Ivey Business Journal
“Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.
Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. ― Abraham Lincoln