Welcome to the
EPIC E-store!
And look forward to my next book, coming in 2025,
A New Race
It will be a simple but content rich approach to Character, Temperament and Leadership across Generations and more.
Easy to read. Easy to use.
Valuable in impact… for educators, entrepreneurs, emerging leaders… and everyone who wants to make a difference at home, school, work, business, play and community.
21 Sons
This is a true labor of Love… and Leadership.
21 Sons (or more) write of the impact their mothers had on the men they became.
26 men (in total) from a diversity of ages and backgrounds all share their thoughts.
This is a wonderful read for sons and mothers… connecting the genders and ages with real stories shared honestly, authentically.
It is about real leadership and dedication across the ages and genders.
Dedicated to the memory of my mother, Marion MacDonald Green, this is a great gift.
Price: $9.95
Human Being Being Human
My “signature” work thus far!
This is a work and play book on Character Leadership.
Written in 2012, it still has resonance.
I explore and engage, with you, on the Character of Leadership, by example after example.
Here you will find thoughts, challenges and opportunities around a deeper, cooler, more effective Leadership in our companies, on our campuses, and in our communities. This book engages thought, will and action for results.
Price: $9.95
Random Sounds
A bit of a constructive thought provoker.
I offer up, over a period of time, on topics of matter and meaning… at the time, and maybe even timelessly, at times, lol.
The content is intended to engage in constructive thought and action.
The topics are random, or are they?
Either way, this read will get you both thinking and acting.
$5 can get you a great little deal these days.
Price: $4.95
Self Promotion Sucks (But It Doesn’t Have To)
Promote yourself in the your own best of ways.
My contribution to an examination of authentic and creative promotion of one’s best work.
Many contributors. Many ideas. This book is filled with a depth and breadth of ideas and real examples of the fun that self-promotion can be.
Engage the ideas. Reap the rewards. The return on investment can be remarkable.
Price: $9.95
To order Virtues Project™ Resources
The Virtues Project™ is both a global movement and resource, with a shop filled with great materials to move character development and leadership; and advance work in healthy living, mental health, work/life balance and much more.
Connect with me directly as I place orders regularly for Virtues Project™ materials, and we get them on discount passing the savings onto you.
Free Downloads on a Variety of Engaging Topics
Over the years, I have taken on topics as diverse as spirituality, bullying, service, health, wealth, leadership, business, college and education… in somewhat random, cool or funky ways. They are works of playing with thoughts on myriad topics.
These FREE downloads are personal and professional… and intended to stimulate thought and action to explore some more. Think of them as tools to inspire your own independent investigation of truth on matters of living and working and studying. No Gospel here.. but thought starters.
Discernment matters.
My most personal story on Leadership in Service.
Dedicated to my Dad… Malcolm George Green.
My musings and learnings on HEALTH and WEALTH.
The Book CLUB
My original primer on Collective Leadership and Unity Building.
The Secret Truth
This eBooklet addresses Unity in Diversity, with ancient Wisdom.
The Traig’hen Code
I offer some thought on the issue of bullying and our collective and individual roles.
Your Life Your Business
Applying the fundamentals of business to building the life you desire.
Your College Daze
My gift to students and educators alike; a primer for a great year.
I encourage a donation to a local Single Parent Association with each FREE download.
Frank’s Funnies (by donation)
In Service and memory to a good friend and the Alzheimer Society.
I encourage a donation to the Alzheimer Society with each FREE download.
Welcome to the
EPIC E-store!
21 Sons
Our latest! This is a true labor of love… and leadership. 21 Sons (or more) write of the impact their mothers had on the men they became. 26 men (in total) from a diversity of ages and backgrounds all share their thoughts. This is a wonderful read for men, women, sons and mothers… connecting the genders and ages with real stories shared honestly, authentically. It is about real leadership and dedication across the ages and genders. Dedicated to the memory of Barry’s mother, Marion MacDonald Green, this is a great gift, and we will be looking for more sons (and daughters) going forward. Oh, and proceeds support our work with youth, on-the-ground.
Price: $9.95
Human Being Being Human
Our signature work thus far! Barry’s work and play book on noble leadership. He explores and engages, with you, on the character of epic leadership, by example after example. Here you will find thoughts, challenges and opportunities around a deeper, cooler, more effective leadership in our companies, on our campuses, and in our communities. This book engages thought, will and action for results. Not just a great read… but a great work and play book for great leadership. Oh, and proceeds support our work with youth, on-the-ground.
Price: $9.95
Random Sounds
A thought provoker. Barry sounds off and on, over a period of time, on topics of matter and meaning. The content is intended to engage in constructive thought and action. The topics are random, or are they? Either way, this read will get you both thinking and acting. $5 can get you a great deal these days.
Price: $4.95
Self Promotion Sucks (But It Doesn’t Have To)
Promote yourself in the best of ways. Barry’s contribution to an examination of authentic and creative promotion of one’s best work. This book is filled with a depth and breadth of ideas and real examples of the fun that self-promotion can be. Engage the ideas. Reap the rewards. The return on investment is incredible.
Price: $9.95
To order Virtues Project™ Resources
The Virtues Project™ is both a global movement and resource, with a shop filled with great materials to move character development and leadership; and advance work in healthy living, mental health, work/life balance and much more.
Connect with us directly as we place orders regularly for Virtues Project™ materials, and we get them on discount passing the savings onto you.
Free Downloads on a Variety of Engaging Topics
We take on topics as diverse as spirituality, bullying, service, health, wealth, leadership, business, college and education. These FREE downloads are personal and professional… and intended to stimulate thought and action to explore some more. Think of them as tools to inspire your own independent investigation of truth on matters of living and working and studying.
Barry’s most personal story on leadership in service.
Barry’s musings and learnings on HEALTH and WEALTH.
The Book CLUB
Barry’s primer on collective leadership and unity building.
The Secret Truth
This eBooklet addresses unity in diversity, with ancient wisdom.
The Traig’hen Code
Barry engages the issue of bullying and our collective and individual roles.
Your Life Your Business
Applying the fundamentals of business to building the life you desire.
Your College Daze
Barry’s gift to students and educators alike; a primer for a great year.
Frank’s Funnies (by donation)
In service and memory to a good friend and the Alzheimer Society.