I came across this the other day… on the creative process of Monty Python. As an absolute fan of the awkward brilliance of the Python Crew, I found it interesting. Indeed, as a person of faith both tested and real, I loved the assertive irreverence of this band of comic commentators. As a guy who just loves to laugh and think, they ignited both for me. BUT, as a business educator, entrepreneur, Master Facilitator with The Virtues Project™, and global citizen… I found this post today to be a constructive and raw exploration of some of the virtues that advance creativity.
These, I saw in the post and its exploration and articulation. I am sure there are more but you may be asking “Why do you offer such this Saturday, Barry?” Well, I am glad you asked. 🙂
First, I found the read a refreshing little reminder of the genius that was and is Monty Python … these many years later. They created provocative, silly, insane and purposeful comedy that both entertained and caused questioning of any number of topics. Secondly, that same read caused me to see yet another example that brings the concept of virtues out from under the fluffy rock we place it so often. Creativity and innovation are grounded in such character strengths. Read The Six Thinking Hats by Edward de Bono and see the six faces of creativity. Each are steeped in such strengths. Have a listen to Sir Ken Robinson and consider the strengths of character addressed in his message. Consider these virtues for a moment.
Which strengths do you and your team, school, family or community believe and contend to be the bedrock of creative cultures? Practice them. Find ways to champion them, every day. Make them part of how you roll… your rituals and stories and all that you do. Move beyond the theory and concept and even baggage of virtue. Enter the realm of strengths. Together, cultivate these strengths of character such that they advance creative solutions at school, family, work and community.
Creativity requires work and strength. The War of Art by Steven Pressfield is an incredible exploration of same… and I wholeheartedly recommend the read. In there, you will find any number of strengths of character required by creativity. You will find what I call “Creativity’s Camelot“.
We need creativity and its building blocks (its Knights of the Court), now more than ever. The world, and our own corners of it, demand it. The virtues are the bricks that build such creativity; knights that fight the good and creative fight.
Peace, passion and prosperity.
Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy™