The broadCAST™ is a monthly weigh in by members of The CAST™ of Epic Engage™. Independent experts in their own right, members of The CAST™ have an opportunity to share their earned insights right here, for you, each month. With that in mind, we wholeheartedly encourage you to connect with these experts on their respective expertise and how it might be of service to you. They each bring such great value in service to their work in communications, youth engagement, education, compassion, business, health, leadership and more.
June 2017
With the above in heart and mind, the theme for The CAST™ in June was:
The responses were varied and cool. Engage and enjoy. 🙂
Ah summer… In my youth, summer was filled with outdoors activity like swimming, camping, summer camps, and the like. In my ‘other youth’, my favorite way to relax and enjoy summer is a mixture of lazy reading, early morning golf, and spending time with my wife. And I am very lucky and excited that I’ll be combining my favorite way to relax and enjoy summer from my youth and now … when my wife and I spend my birthday camping out on the beach this June. Summer in my youth was spent in Arizona in very hot and dry weather. In my younger years, I was frequently shirtless and tanned very easily. Nowadays I still have hot summers in Texas, but they are a bit more humid and I always stay covered up, preferably with sunscreen to help protect my skin. I’ve had a skin cancer scare in my family, (Melanoma), and I’d like to strongly encourage all of you to take care of your skin – PROTECT YOURSELF THIS SUMMER! Relax and enjoy, but be safe and smart as well.
Ray Hollister is all about strength, excellence and potential. In fact, he has a very special connection with students – he’s helped thousands achieve average scores of over 90% for 20 years! His love of learning… and his ability to teach anybody the same easy strategies he used to study far less than everyone else while maintaining outrageously high test scores… quickly earned him a lot of ‘friends’ seeking his advice. Ray has personally conducted numerous studies to develop an intense, focused, and results oriented program for college students. With the success of that program, Ray set his sights on helping younger students in Junior High, High School, and those just entering University. The end result is a program that will help any student – especially YOU – learn more, study less, and earn consistently high grades.
With Summer coming, I recall… I found myself in tears sitting across from my business mentor and I was extremely uncomfortable. His interrogation and bluntness regarding my business made me feel vulnerable and exposed. One of the key questions he asked was “What is your goal?” Much to my surprise, my answer – “to make more money”- was not sufficient and he was not going to accept it. Being new in business ownership, I had never considered the need to develop a specific, attainable goal. With my mentor’s guidance and direction, I began to set goals and develop my business. Here are the tips I still use when strategic goal setting:
1- Write
This may seem like a trivial task, but it works. Writing things down keeps us accountable and focused. It confirms our intentions.
2- Define
Make sure your goals are well defined. Being vague will lead to deterioration. Devise a path that you can implement into action. Research, ask questions and devise a plan that is specific to your needs.
3- Track
Periodically review your goals and re-evaluate your plan. Detail all accounts of failures and successes so you are able to make adjustments as needed.
Being able to recognize a failure and grow from it takes maturity and builds character.
Krista Walsh is about productivity and creating cash flow. Krista is an award winning entrepreneur, author and speaker. From dental assistant drop out, to family business builder, to emerging leader for Atlantic Canada (twice), Krista will share her journey from failure to success and explore how to increase your cash flow and productivity. In 2005 Krista established “KC COLLECT,” a credit, collection and resource company. It would be the first and only female-owned collection agency in Atlantic Canada. Krista’s informative presentations engage and challenge audiences to effectively manage and build their businesses, professional relationships, and enhance their profiles. Andrew Oland- President, Moosehead Breweries says “Krista is a smart, dedicated and passionate woman. She is an engaging and practical presenter who adds tremendous value to any audience.” Her breakout sessions will assist you in navigating the practical tools you can implement immediately to increase sales and productivity, enhance and build relationships, and strengthen and increase cash flow. Krista’s determination and vision has been recognized by her peers and she has twice received the Atlantic Canadian Emerging Award as one of Canada’s leading young entrepreneurs.
Joel Sweeney is all about effective communications. He has been speaking, training, coaching and
writing about it for over 20 years. He is the author of The Wedding MC Handbook and Little Helpings of Food for Thought. His third book, The Speaker’s Tool Box – Perfecting the Craft of Speaking, was released in the 2015. He is the owner of Professionally Speaking (established in 1995). Joel helps entrepreneurs and business professional become effective, engaging and confident speakers.
Personally, I am thinking of the perfect summer day. That perfect summer day for me would be to wake up and enjoy a coffee in the morning sun on the patio, and head out for a run along the Bow River. Afterwards I’d meet friends for brunch on a sunny patio and then go play Frisbee in the park. A perfect evening would involve making a healthy meal, followed by an outdoor concert and an evening stroll. I’m all about outdoor activity, good eats and sunshine! I had a day pretty similar to this today actually and feel very fortunate to be surrounded by great friends and for the warm sunny weather here in Calgary.
Liz Burt is about real and healthy results. She is a master motivator. She is also a marathoner and marketing specialist living in Calgary, AB. She holds a three-year diploma in Business Management and Marketing, a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies, and will begin her MA at the University of Alberta this spring. In addition to being wild about learning and running, Liz is also an avid traveller and has backpacked through twenty countries in the last few years. In her professional life she loves working with small businesses to develop simple and effective marketing and communications plans that achieve real results. She is creative, a bit of a health nut and loves to share her healthy passions in her blog. Liz is a goal setter and risk taker. She loves coffee, cooking, and great conversations. She gets huge joy in helping people and small businesses achieve their goals and are always ready to lend an ear and share advice.
For me, I am thinking of my own version of a great summer day. A cup of coffee, sunshine, patio and a good book for a few hours, and then spend time in the backyard playing with my kids. That sounds like a pretty great summer day to me!

A thought for Summer, hmmm. My perfect summer’s day would include a bike ride in the country… sun shining… a gentle breeze blowing. A meditation near water would mark my journey’s end, and I would likely get to indulge in a book that I’m currently enthralled with (does anyone get to read an actual book anymore?). I would end the day with a concert/potluck where I am fortunate enough to play music and connect with other like-minded folks. My dream brought to life!! We’d prepare and swap delicious raw, vegan dishes… laugh a lot… hug with meaning and intention. If it was truly my dream day… there would also be wine… and my Love by my side. Happy summer everyone!!
Sheena Grobb Singer/Songwriter and Speaker… is humbly amazing. “It is without a doubt a masterpiece of songwriting and soundscape. Really incredible, soulful music. She will definitely get a huge audience in time, trust me.” Alex Wharton, Abbey Road Studios. A songbird from the age of two, songwriter at ten, with 3 albums under her belt, a nomination for the Western Canadian Music Awards, and over 500 tour dates across Canada, the US, and the UK, Sheena Grobb (one of Canada’s best kept secrets) is spilling over. With the release of her newest album, The Breakless Heart, mastered at Abbey Road Studios in London, and a life changing music video created by Lindsey Nelko (past choreographer with So You Think You Can Dance), Sheena is embarking on her most meaningful project yet – The Living Compassion Project™ – inviting others to “unlock their lives” through sharing their stories… as she begins to share hers.
Trent Langdon is all about building legacy through character education and development. He is a junior high school counselor for 650+ adolescents and is dedicated to serving his students, their families, and communities. Trent works on behalf of his colleagues to build
identity, protect professional roles, and to give teachers ‘a voice’; currently completing his 2nd term as a member of the Provincial Executive Council of the Newfoundland & Labrador Teachers Association (NLTA) and now as the incoming NLTA Vice-President for the 2017-2019 term of office. Trent is also a Canadian Certified Counselor with the Canadian Counseling & Psychotherapy Association (CCPA) and serves as a member of the CCPA Ethics Committee (Complaints Division). And last but certainly not least, Trent is a proud contributor to the Epic Engage team.
My favorite way to relax in the summer months is spending time outdoors. Reading a book, a good BBQ, a walk around the pond or doing yard work is very relaxing for me. Anything that has to do with spending time with my family outside, is my perfect summer day…with sun of course. The fresh air and sun always makes me feel alive and rejuvenated.

Barry Lewis Green is ultimately a vocalist, strength coach and educator. His work is about voicing, exploring, identifying, practicing and mastering our strengths and building upon them through practical and powerful unity and resourcefulness. His book Human Being Being
Being Human speaks to that. and that is why Barry is The Unity Guy™. EPIC Engage™ is an extension of The Unity Guy™. The Epic work is all about building strong, united and inspired cultures lead by character… at school, work and community; where everyone matters and contributes everyday.
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