Cut, keep and add has been a recurring theme going through meditations of late. At 62 years young, I am sensing there are things to let go, to keep and to bring into my life. And to discern and decide on same.

In Our Own Best Friend, I noted that “Sometimes, something comes along to give you the healthiest, best and most needed ‘kick in the arse’.And sometimes there are several kicks. As I embark on College Break simultaneously with the Baha’i Fast coincidentally… I have chosen to boldly stop… this week, in particular. Today, after some rest and consolidation and Creativity, I ever sharpened my focus on what matters most for this coming Spring and Summer; as adds to my life, if you will.

It was born of my recent work around my business and personal plan, “completed” just before Break. While there is tweaking to do ahead of some form of “launch” coming, the lean plan helped clarify things by the creating of the content. That which was not included was the “cutting”. That which constituted the content was of the keep and add.

I am not saying anything revolutionary-style new here. I am suggesting that “creating” is a way to cut, keep and add. Creating this visual lean plan (all in Word, BTW) caused me to discern and decide on what goes, stays, and arrives. As I stand at my own proverbial crossroads, I see this as map forward… for me. And. my simple thought to you, as I run silent this week, is get some paper or a Word doc and start your own “creating”. Sketch, draw, write, color… whatever. Just create.

Creation also recreates. Recreation. In creating such, only draw upon what you Soulfully want as content. In so doing, you are leaving old groceries off, keeping those wanted, and adding new curious tastes. As I take this week, I will ever more pray, meditate and reflect upon my grocery list for the Next Chapter.

Peace. 😉

Barry Lewis Green, The Unity Guy with Epic Engage.

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Epic Engage

Global Goals

“Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.

Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. ― Abraham Lincoln
