This past week, I posted Five for Flourishing on LinkedIn where I introduced 5 strengths of character that I believe and contend to be core and universal to success.  Then, Thursday evening, I spoke of it on AFTER SCHOOL on Facebook Live.  In particular, I spoke of this marvelous woman who identified herself as being in the oft-addressed picture of my dad’s early schooling. muriel4

See the red circles.

Muriel was and is amazing.  She apparently went to the same school as dad and is the sister of dad’s earliest girlfriend.  Her sharing of the story and the promise to share more with me serves to help humanize my dad in ways that I see as a gift; to explore who Mac Green was… unique and real. And it would not have happened without the practice of the five, for flourishing.

Practice them.  Manifest them.  Realize their rewards.

Peace, passion and prosperity.

Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy™Educator


Barry is ultimately a vocalist, speaker, strength coach and educator. His work is about exploring, identifying, practicing and mastering our strengths and building upon them through practical and powerful unity and resourcefulness. That is why Barry is The Unity Guy™. EPIC Engage™ is an extension of The Unity Guy™. The Epic work is all about building strong, united and inspired cultures lead by character… at school, work and community; where everyone matters and contributes everyday.


Check out this post on learning to trust yourself in the face of fear… a great read with 7 perspectives on courage.  Indeed, it speaks to “the five”.


Our work is all about character. We work hard and joyfully to help build character driven, united and resourceful organizations and communities around the globe. As part of that work, we offer you …

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