Focus; what is it? It can be defined as “a center of activity, attraction, or attention“. There are tips, exercises and steps to advancing our focus. Still, focus requires our attention… “the act or state of applying the mind to something“. With focus, we are practicing Mindfulness.
That said, the ultimate question to answer is “Attention on what?” Focus best happens when we choose something or someone towards which we attend.
There are so many things that we seemingly are called to attention on during our days, but do they all deserve such? Is it not more about priority management than management of time; a fixed resource? Choosing our overarching focus in life matters.
“So long as the thoughts of an individual are scattered, he will achieve no results.” None. But, if thinking is “concentrated on a single point, wonderful will be the results…”.
The “Friday Failures” are the result of spreading ourselves so thin during the week that everything we worked on is partially completed, without any sense of completion on any one thing at all. This can be habitually discouraging; busy and getting nothing truly done. Our focus, our attention matters… not only to others and getting things “done” but to our own sense of achievement. Each completion strengthens our Confidence.
I suggest that focus and attention in and on all things that matter… it is founded and best grounded in having some sense of an overarching focus; not unlike a sense of purpose. That requires Discernment and Decisiveness. Often times, it can be sourced from words in which we truly believe and for which we strive. Our mantra, if you will. Words such as those in Desiderata… or Invictus… or Our Deepest Fear… or IF… or whatever most speaks to your Soul. If we discern and decide on the words to which we have a natural Devotion, our focus can strengthen.
For me, it is these words. These words scream in a gentle whisper to me. I am in the process of fully memorizing same, to best internalize. I choose to have them guide me, in all that I do. I choose to strive towards them, as best I can. I choose to have my focus and attention on them daily such that they will guide where my attention goes on the minutia, if you will. When we keep our eyes on the prize and our feet on the ground, we can get “there”; our best “there”.
What matters most to you? What core belief screams to you in that gentle whisper? What would be your best and overarching focus that would most wonderfully and powerfully guide all your Hell Yeah decisions?
Discern and decide on what “home base” is for you. It is not lost on me that, when we “swing for the fences“, the result is a home run, a run around the bases to get “back home”. Home matters, at beginning and end. Such Discernment and Decisiveness on what matters most to us can be that big swing and bases loaded, home run.
And, for me, it can foster the precious connections in life. By focusing on who we are and what we do, as being, we are more visible to the people who might admire and love same. People cannot find us if we are not us.
Focus has a magic about it. Focusing on what matters most advances our capacity to focus on what will move the needle on same. As we focus, we move that needle. I call it Focus Pocus. Find it.
Peace, passion and prosperity…
Barry Lewis Green, The Unity Guy with Epic Engage.
“Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.
Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. ― Abraham Lincoln