Last week, I shared in Homes Stretch, 3 Steps that, among other things, I am reminded there are three simple but hard steps working towards our own something cool … first, have the big picture clearly in mind and heart… second, establish mini 90-day snapshots to be the bricks in building that something cool, and, third, execute.  The hard part is to take the time in getting clear… and in the doing it.  Yes, clarity and commitment to follow through are simple and hard.  And, crucial.  This week, after an eventful, soul searching and eye opening week, I offer the following.



If anything, this week confirmed for me that my big picture vision stands.  It is important to be clear… and clarity requires diligence in the reflection on same.  Clarity requires digging and questioning and observing and listening.  This week, I had numerous moments to do so and get sure.  My vision remains, and stronger for the reflection this week.

  • It is 20022020, and I am a master and lifelong student of the global body of work around character leadership and unity building.  I have learned conversational Mandarin and French to bring that work more global.  I have also engaged a deepened level of spiritual studies and practice through The Ruhi Institute, and more.  I am living a life filled with love, song, dance, cartooning, writing, epic stories, archery, boxing and more of what and who I love.  My #bestlittledogintheworld Panda is by my side in enjoying it all.  I am teaching business leadership at College of the North Atlantic, in class and online; and doing my global work of Epic Engage™. I am loving it!  I am 110K in weight (slim for my body structure) and benching same; healthy and strong. And, I am financially ready, willing and able to support special projects in which I deeply want to invest and contribute.

That being said, this week also suggested that I might boil it down to:

  • It is 20022020, and I am The Unity Guy™; student and educator around leadership grounded in character, unity, and spirit… delivering in English, Mandarin and French.   I am living a life filled with love, song, dance, cartooning, writing, epic stories, archery, boxing and all of what and who I love.  I am healthy and strong, and wealthy enough to do the work I choose; living as a happy and joyful man.

That is my gift to me on 20022020.  And, it is best manifested by understanding it as reality now.  Michelangelo himself suggested that he carved the angel out of the stone, implying it was already in there.  Getting clear on that pre-existing condition of reality matters and should not be avoided as something warm and fuzzy.  It is bedrock.

So, the big picture is confirmed, and in hand.  Indeed, over the years, I have developed a system I call GREAT™ Vision.  To have a powerful vision, you set your GOAL with specifics, then get abundantly clear on its RELEVANCE for you.  You figure out how you will EVALUATE your progress.  You determine your ACTIONS necessary, and you set your TIMETABLE.  The above around which I have articulated these past few days and weeks meets the needs on goal, relevance and timetable.  Let us consider execution and evaluation.  Enter, the other two steps previously noted.

  • establish mini 90-day snapshots to be the bricks in building that something cool, and
  • execute. 


To manifest the vision, I had noted last week that:

  • I will walk as a student of character
  • I will learn the very basics of conversational Mandarin
  • I will prayerfully engage in my Ruhi studies
  • I will sing, write, and live with my #bestlittledogintheworld Panda
  • I will teach business leadership at college and do my thing with Epic Engage™
  • I will eat “more than right” and walk daily.

I now suggest, with tweaks and as part of my 90-day snapshots…

SNAPSHOT 1: November 15, 2018 through February 12, 2019… 90 days.

  • I am walking as a daily student of the practice of character, unity and spirit
  • I am learning the first basics of conversational Mandarin and French
  • I am continuing my education studies, completing my current course
  • I am prayerfully engaged in my Ruhi studies, Books 1 through 7
  • I am singing, writing and living daily, with my #bestlittledogintheworld Panda
  • I have re-launched the new Epic Engage™ in January, with:
    • Project Black Wing™ for launch January 1, 2019
    • DELIVER™ sessions November 2018 and January 2019
    • Thinking CAPS™ national chats December 2018, and January and February 2019
    • NLAWS™ and Speakernet officially launched January 1, 2019
    • new blog-comic strip called Aukwords™ launched in January 2019
    • momondays St. John`s December 10, 2018
    • Speakeasies™ starting in January 2019
  • I am sharing epic stories, via video and momondays
  • I have strong connections with the business development community, including:
    • MBO
    • Futurpreneur, and
    • NLOWE
  • I have successfully completed the Fall term, teaching business leadership at college
  • I have a 38 inch waist, eating “more than right”, walking daily
  • I have completed and constructed my 20022020 462-day W.E.A.L.T.H.™ Plan.

February 13-20, 2019: Reflection, Reset and 59th Birthday

SNAPSHOT 2: February 21 through May 21, 2019… 90 days

  • I am developing my own institute course load around character, unity and spirit
  • I am weekly practicing my conversational Mandarin and French
  • I am advancing my studies with The Ruhi Institute, with Book 8
  • I am continuing my education studies, with completion of 1 new course
  • I am Salsa dancing weekly; oh and singing weekly too
  • I am voraciously writing and cartooning my Aukwords™ blog monthly
  • I am continuing the monthly work of epic stories, on video and through momondays
  • I am boxing in the basement weekly
  • I am spending beautiful time with my #bestlittledogintheworld Panda, daily
  • I am winding down my 18th year of my love of teaching with College of the North Atlantic
  • I am continuing to advance my global work with the new Epic Engage™
  • I am a 36 inch waist, first time in 25 years
  • I am on top of my W.E.A.L.T.H.™ plan, holding true to its expectations.

May 21-24: Reflection

SNAPSHOT 3: May 25 through August 22, 2019… 90 days

  • I am preparing to launch my new institute for character leadership and unity building
  • I am functionally and basically conversant in Mandarin and French
  • I have completed an additional course in The Ruhi Institute, Book 9
  • I am continuing my education studies, with completion of 2 courses
  • I am in a wonderful cool and loving relationship; yes, yip, yup, uh-huh 🙂
  • I am living a life filled with love, song, and dance.
  • I am cartooning and writing, and sharing those epic stories through video and momondays
  • I am back at practicing archery, and still boxing
  • I am living with my #bestlittledogintheworld Panda by my side, everywhere
  • I am concluding my 18th year of teaching business leadership at College of the North Atlantic
  • I am growing my global work, reach and service with Epic Engage™
  • I am still a 36 inch waist and have reached my 110K in weight (slim for my body structure)
  • I am healthy and strong
  • I am enjoying a vacation, oh yes I am
  • I am staying on my W.E.A.L.T.H.™ Plan

August 23-24: Reflection

August 25 through November 22, 2019… 90 days

  • I am delivering on the institute for character leadership and unity building
  • I am sound in conversational Mandarin and French
  • I have completed another course in The Ruhi Institute, Book 10
  • I am continuing my education studies
  • I am living a life filled with love, song, dance, cartooning, writing, epic stories, archery, boxing and more of what and who I love
  • My #bestlittledogintheworld Panda is by my side in enjoying it all
  • I am teaching my 19th year of business leadership at College of the North Atlantic
  • I am globally serving with Epic Engage™
  • I am loving it!
  • I am 110K in weight (slim for my body structure) and benching same; healthy and strong
  • I am financially ready, willing and able to support special projects in which I deeply want to invest and contribute.

November 23, 2019 through February 20, 2020… 90 days

  • The Traig`hen Institute™ in Character Leadership and Unity Building has launched
  • I am conversant in Mandarin and French
  • I have completed the full course load of The Ruhi Institute
  • I am preparing for my second Pilgrimage to Haifa
  • I am living a life filled with love, song, dance, cartooning, writing, epic stories, archery, boxing and more of what and who I love.
  • My #bestlittledogintheworld Panda is by my side in enjoying it all.
  • I am teaching my 19th year in business leadership at College of the North Atlantic
  • I am thriving in my service and work with Epic Engage™
  • I am soooooooo loving it!
  • I am still that 110K in weight (slim for my body structure) and benching same; healthy and strong
  • And, yes, I am financially ready, willing and able to support special projects in which I deeply want to invest and contribute.

First, I had a dream.  Then, I had a vision.  It was deliberated on and articulated, and reflected upon and crafted.  THEN, and now, I have a plan with a checklist for measurement.  Now, it is about the execution.


With that in mind, I am a strong believer that relevance fuels execution.  Knowing THE WHY is vital.  I know my why.  I am approaching 60.  I am young.  My stroke taught me that life is not given; it is appreciated.  The best way we can appreciate it is to live it.  The best way to live it is to live it as you.  In the Baha’ì Faith there are several Writings that even more deeply;y speak to me at this time.

From Bahá’u’lláh

  • Noble have I created thee, yet thou hast abased thyself. Rise then unto that for which thou wast created. These words speak to me of the idea that we all are created noble but yet we sell ourselves much too short, forget who we are and are expected to rise to who we always have been.
  • Regard man as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value. Education can, alone, cause it to reveal its treasures, and enable mankind to benefit therefrom. This speaks to me of the vital and noble nature of education, for the betterment of the world. Speaking of which…
  • The betterment of the world can be accomplished through pure and goodly deeds, through commendable and seemly conduct.  These words speak to me of a simple power we all have; character.
  • Let deeds, not words, be your adorning.  This speaks for itself; action… execution.

They all speak to me of relevance, for me.  My humble suggestion is to get clear on what is deeply important for you.  Know your big picture, however simple it might be.  Get clear on your snapshot milestones.  Then, execute.

Therein lies the GREAT hunt.  Therein, the way to live up to our heroes.

Peace, passion and prosperity.

Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy