The HALF TIME broadCAST™ is a project of EPIC Engage™.  Each month, at “half time”, members of The CAST™ (Community Advancement Strategic Team) of EPIC Engage™ weigh in on a question for organizational development and leadership… engaging character, capacity and/or creativity.  The CAST™ is a team of independent experts who will work, from time to time, with EPIC Engage™ to advance cultures of noble character, unique capacity and flourishing creativity.  This month, three members of The CAST™ tackle a fundamental question.  This first adventure centers around the question, “If you could recommend one thought that vitally impacts the health of an organization, what would that be?”

Intentional Harmony

The health of an organization or a community is reflected in how well all of the various parts, pieces, and people work together to achieve goals. For this to happen, those within the community need to make it a priority to consciously understand each other first. As individuals, we often come into a situation with our own ideas, perspectives, beliefs and baggage. We make sense of events and take actions based on what we know and what we have experienced. But communities are made up of many individuals, all with their own unique perspectives and filters. For a community to grow in a healthy way, individuals need to put their egos on the side for a moment and take the time to listen to others, explore how they come to understand events, and appreciate their ideas and goals; only through this selfless act can the voices within the community begin to start working together. By seeking first to listen and understand, then act where and when most needed within the community, we create a situation of intentional harmonics in which the melody of a community can emerge.

William C. Murray, PhD;

William is an educator who speaks and writes as an advocate for putting people first in business. He is particularly focused around two core areas of service: the hospitality and tourism industry, and student-focused education and skills for success. He advocates that businesses can flourish when they ‘humanize’, focusing on authentic connections, relationships, and engagement.

Creativity, Connection and Significance

One simple idea around advancing healthier organizations or communities would be to create new ways of developing connection and belonging within the organized structure.  Creative projects that encourage individuality and participation, or social events that promote inclusivity and foster friendships are two examples that address our innate need/desire to feel significant and valued within larger communities.  Productivity, creativity, and satisfaction in individual outcomes will only increase within such environments, advancing a healthier organization as a whole.  Healthier individuals lead to healthier communities – it’s as simple as that. Emotional wellbeing is one area that can sometimes be overlooked, but when deeply considered and addressed, can actually create the strongest foundation for overall group wellness.

Sheena Grobb, Visionary Singer/Songwriter/Speaker, Founder;

It is without a doubt a masterpiece of songwriting and soundscape.  Really incredible, soulful music.  She will definitely get a huge audience in time, trust me.”  Alex Wharton, Abbey Road Studios.  A songbird from the age of two, songwriter at ten, with 3 albums under her belt, a nomination for the Western Canadian Music Awards, and over 500 tour dates across Canada, the US, and the UK, Sheena Grobb (one of Canada’s best kept secrets) is spilling over.  With the release of her newest album The Breakless Heart mastered at Abbey Road Studios in London, and a life changing music video created by Lindsey Nelko (past choreographer with So You Think You Can Dance), Sheena is embarking on her most meaningful project yet – The Living Compassion Project – inviting others to “unlock their lives” through sharing their stories… as she begins to share hers.


If I were to be forced to name one reality that advances healthier organizations and communities, it would have to be alignment.  The ultimate branding is the truthful identification of who we most want and intend to be.  I often suggest that this starts with naming the character that you most want to manifest as an individual or organization.  Who the hell are you?  For what do you stand?  THEN, I suggest that our actions must be in alignment with that character.  Integrity ultimately connects deeds and words and intentions.  It dramatically reduces cognitive dissonance and regret.  When we are aligned in character, message and action, we become known for something.  When we do that with a clear intention on who we most want to be as individual or organization, we can live with ourselves and have clear expectations of ourselves and others.  Truthfulness is the foundation of all human virtue, and truthfulness starts with alignment.  It builds a level of trust and trustworthiness that has real value.

Barry Lewis Green, The Unity Guy™ and Strategic Leader, EPIC Engage™;

Barry Lewis Green is The Unity Guy™ and the engine of EPIC Engage™.  He defines community as “the sum total of voices, wisdom and talent which can be harnessed to achieve uncommon results”. Barry and EPIC Engage™ help companies, campuses, conferences and all communities to get there; moving organizations forward together.  Yes, Barry is The Unity Guy™ and the heart and soul of EPIC Engage™. He is a teacher; a college business educator. He is a speaker, facilitator, trainer, educator, coach and consultant, cartoonist, singer, dancer and more. With EPIC, he helps organizations advance together in thought, will and action.