Last week, we were asked to “Let’s Talk” and many, so many, responded. During this day of talking out mental illness and wellness through #bellletstalk, I wrote this on Facebook.
I am encouraged by #bellletstalk. I am encouraged by the real message from real people. Mental illness is real. You do not simply think or train it “away”. The solutions are myriad and diverse, based on the person. They require work over a lifetime. There is help and hope in medicine, care, and understanding. From meditation to meds to meaningful relationships… all are needed. But one solution is common and real. Conversation and acceptance. Therein lies mental wellness. Peace.
Then, I came across this post on building trust in the workplace. At the time and still, it got me thinking. We need cultures of trust in order to address and support mental wellness. We need leaders who will champion same. I was planning a review of the virtues we have examined thus far and thought it appropriate to offer a visual summary and maybe a question with the building of trust in mind and heart.
Making a case for addressing mental illness and wellness is certainly not a challenge. And Bell Lets Talk and other fine organizations are doing their part. Still, given my deep belief in the practical exploration and application of character, I cannot ignore looking at Acceptance, Beauty, Creativity, Detachment, and Excellence as potential practices for leaders and workplaces seeking ways to build trusting and trustworthy cultures of encouragement and strength. Consider these 5 strengths of character.
Consider a culture at school, family, work or community that fearlessly supports mental wellness. How would these 5 strengths of character support wellness initiatives and real world, real time cultures where we feel free to understand and engage wellness… physically and mentally? How could they guide our initiatives and our conversations, individually and collectively? Imagine the strength of such a culture; its ability to optimize rather than stigmatize. Imagine the potential unleashed by removing the need for the masks.
So, my question is this. In consulting with your team, school, family or community… how can you engage these strengths to guide and advance such a culture, and the real conversations necessary to do so? Start that conversation and find your way. We are all the better for that kind of leadership.
Let’s keep talking.
Peace, passion and prosperity.
Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy™
and consider…
no more silence