This month, with our first in the series of Leader ToC™ Blog Posts for 2017, we interview the fabulous Stephanie Staples of Your Life Unlimited.   A longtime colleague and friend in CAPS, Stephanie is all about “helping busy professionals bring their “A” game to work and life”.  And Leader ToC™ loves that.

Leader ToC™ (Thoughts on Character) is our monthly series engaging leaders around the world on character, leadership and more.  Before we get started this month, here is a compilation of the first six in the series from 2016.  Enjoy.


Excerpted from her own site, here is a little on Stephanie.

Stephanie Staples is a recovering burn-out nurse and a serial entrepreneur. She has founded three businesses (two successful – one a nightmare, you can’t win them all!) and is the 2014 Manitoba Woman Entrepreneur of the Year Contribution to Community award winner. This award is especially meaningful to her as giving back to the community locally and globally is equally important as building a successful business.  She is the author of two books (soon to be 3), When Enlightening Strikes: Creating a Mindset of Uncommon Success and Your Life, Unlimited: A Guided Journal and a regular expert columnist for both print and online periodicals including  She has also produced two CD’s (don’t worry, she’s not singing!) – The Well-Nurse Initiative: Burnout Prevention that Works and Bring Your ‘A’ Game to Work & Life  and a mobile app. called Life Support for Nurses.  Oh and did you know she is also a … take a big breath it’s a long title …  ‘Specialized psycho-social employee-wellness & workplace-health services consultant’ for Health Canada, yeah, she’s not quite sure what that is either?!  Her kids just think she’s ‘pyscho’ period.  As a consultant, she works with hospitals, working with everyone from front line staff to physicians to the CEO’s, to help them grow themselves strong and serve their patients and colleagues with excellence.

Steph does great work, so let’s get at it to …


Engage the Leader ToC™


Hi Steph (I keep wanting to say Stephanie, what is up with that?).  So glad you could come on board for Leader ToC™.  Let’s start with the most fundamental of questions… for those who do not know what you do.  Just what is it that you do? 


I know right.  🙂  Great to do this Barry.  To get right down to it… I work with busy professionals who want to bring their ‘A’ game to work and life!


I love that… it is crisp and resonant for me.  It speaks to what I call joyful excellence.  With that in mind… in doing so, who do you best serve? 


I best serve those in helping, care giving or social service type professions. Those folks are my sweet spot, having said that I have worked with groups from The Royal Canadian Mint to Mercedes Benz.  Basically, if you have room for improvement in your life, are still breathing and have a desire to change, I have tools to help.


Indeed.  I appreciate both the clear focus and the reach that you have.  So, what are your thoughts on what makes for great leadership?


I believe great leadership starts with self-leadership. Lead yourself well; others will follow.


Absolutely; it is foundational.  Personal responsibility and accountability are virtues of character that are powerful in setting example.  So, what is one challenge you feel requires engaging leadership at this time? 


Great question.  I actually feel like we need to take a more pro-active role in our lives as leaders at home. I believe many professionals are already doing a great job at work, and many are at the top of their game.  Most handle issues, problems, and challenges competently. When these same capable people go home they have relationships that are suffering, children that are disengaged and an overall lack of purpose, direction and focus for their home life. (Yes, I’m generalizing here.)


Generalizing but accurate, I would think.  And what do you see as the return on investment in facing that challenge, for you? 


When I work with leaders who make small changes and see big rewards personally and professionally by putting the plan we created together, this is a huge win! Sometimes it is something as simple as not bringing their cell to the dinner table that starts the ripple change because it’s not about the exact little thing that we change, it’s about the concept around it – the bigger message and when people get that… that’s ROI for me!


I love the emphasis on the fundamentals; and excellence in practicing them.  Incremental is powerful.  I think your notion of simplicity is practical and impactful (is that a word? It is now. lol).  Steph, I want to thank you for the opportunity to explore some thoughts on leadership with you.  I also want to encourage our readers to connect with you.  It has been a joy. 


I enjoyed doing it Barry. Thanks for the opportunity to connect.


Leader ToC™ out…

Folks, check out Stephanie’s work.  You will be glad you did.  And… over 2017, around the third or final Friday of each month… we will continue to engage and explore with experts and leaders around the globe.  We invite you to join us.

Until next month…

Peace, passion and prosperity.

Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy™


Barry is ultimately a vocalist, speaker, strength coach and educator. His work is about exploring, identifying, practicing and mastering our strengths and building upon them through practical and powerful unity and resourcefulness. That is why Barry is The Unity Guy™. EPIC Engage™ is an extension of The Unity Guy™. The Epic work is all about building strong, united and inspired cultures lead by character… at school, work and community; where everyone matters and contributes everyday.



Our work is all about character. We work hard and joyfully to help build character driven, united and resourceful organizations and communities around the globe. As part of that work, we offer you …

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