Consider this from RBC on 9 COVID trends that will last. I also invite you to consider the global goals. With either or both in mind, I finally ask that you consider these words from Simon Sinek and Rich Diviney on the importance of character in times of change and challenge. It is not the first time that I have recommended same, nor the last.
I have been posting much around such and character and more of late, exploring AWE … and Renewing the Lease … and more. I am currently turning my mind and heart to this notion of a new Lease on Life.
Whether we like it or not, we are living in ever changing and challenging times. We are not the first generation to do so but most of us from the Boomers to Gen Z have not seen such a global shift. The Elders did with two world wars sandwiching a Great Depression. But anyone 77 and younger does not remember. These are our ever and even maybe more historic times…. and that is not about pessimism nor positivity. It is about Optimism; and character.
We are indeed living in historic times whether we see it or not. School, work, business and community will witness great change. The question is what strengths of character will we bring to the table to better the world economically, environmentally and socially? What virtues are most needed in practice … in these times?
I posted on Certitude on LinkedIn earlier this morning saying, “#Certitude is about certainty. It is a virtue; a strength of character. Confidence is one thing, Certitude is something stronger and more rare. We can have Confidence in many things… ourselves, others, the chances for a certain condition or event to happen. But Confidence is not of a certainty. There is so very much in life for which we cannot be certain. But there are things for which we can be. The key is getting clear on our Certitude for it can be our ballast and rudder in times of change and challenge. Our primary source of Certitude is inward, found in our most discerned and deepest and well earned sense of Faith, if you will. For me, my own practice of Certitude is about boiling down to that for which I am personally certain. There are ideas and thoughts around which I am certain that I believe; hard earned from 61 years of life experience thus far. Rumi suggested that we sell cleverness and buy bewilderment, and I hold to that. I also hold to these words that…
- “The betterment of the world can be accomplished through pure and goodly deeds, through commendable and seemly conduct” and…
- “Let deeds, not words be your adorning.”
I cannot be certain of outcome, but I can be certain of effort and intent and belief. That to which we hold decidedly true, not born of blind faith but of the tested and true… there is where we find our Certitude and it is within not without. For what are you truly certain?”
All that said, let us be certain of what we bring individually and collectively to that proverbial table and let us work together with it. Humanity is our highest standard, and inhumanity our lowest. Let us rise to the call. Then, we can move forward together, ever stronger. With Epic Engage and my work as a business educator, I will keep working towards same.
Peace, passion and prosperity…
Barry Lewis Green, The Unity Guy with Epic Engage.
“Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.
Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. ― Abraham Lincoln