Dale Carnegie suggested that we “appeal to the nobler motives”. In turn, I suggest that we reveal our own. Nobility is a virtue, and not a notion of “royal blood”. It is so much more.

These words remind and inspire me. “Noble have I created thee, yet thou hast abased thyself. Rise then unto that for which thou wast created”.

Now, replace thee and thou with your name… and thyself with however you might reference yourself.

In my case, “Noble have I created Barry, yet Barry hast abased himself. Rise then unto that for which Barry was created”. Now, there is a calling, and a calling out. Whatever one’s faith or none, there is a message in here about our own birthright of Nobility.

I write on Character. My work is around advancing notions of such and same. Whether talking conversation and connection … or care and service… or functioning in the face of adversity … or any matter of human endeavour, our character matters. And, our Nobility advances our sense of Character. Yet, we often abase ourselves, lowering our own sense of Humanity. I have often said that Humanity is our highest standard and inhumanity our lowest. Enter Nobility.

Nobility is heroic in everyday life. I have had educators who were noble, leaders and mentors too. I am blessed. They inspired me without even trying. But then, I would suggest you have known some too. We need more of them. We need be them, ourselves. Nobility is our own personal Olympic Dream. To rise unto that for which we were created speaks to our own sense of championing what is right and good and noble… at home, school, work, business and community. How we treat ourselves and others is influenced by our recognition of our own Nobility, or our own abasement. To abase is to behave in a way that belittles or degrades ourselves or others. When we lift ourselves and others up, we are practicing Nobility; and it matters.

It matters in all arenas of human endeavour. It matters in classrooms, on campus, in our companies and communities. It matters.

It matters in building and rebuilding Trust and Trustworthiness. It matters in inspiring and appealing to those nobler motives in us all. It matters in times of great change.

I suggest that it is developed in practice. It is practiced in accepting that we are noble at core, in living to higher expectations and standards, in treating ourselves and others with Dignity and decency, and in leading our own lives not distracted by abasement.

I will continue writing and working and playing around these notions of Character and Unity. I will be driven by my own ever better practiced sense of Nobility. What does it look like for you? How can you ever better manifest same and be your own noble leader at home, school, work, business and community?

My suggestion? Look to those you see as possessing some sense of such. No one is perfect. Perfect as a noun is a myth. Perfect as a verb is our best reality. Our Nobility is found in how and where we reach. It is about owning our lives as best we can to be our best selves, as best we can. Reclaiming that Responsibility is part of it. Our Nobility is found in what I call our Neville Longbottom moments as I often suggest.

Consider those that come to mind and heart… fictional and real, alive or not. Based on their examples and the Reflection Card above, what does Nobility look like for you? How can you ever better manifest same and be your own noble leader at home, school, work, business and community? Answer that. Do that. The world and our corners of it need you. The Noble Leader in you is called to rise up.

Peace, passion and prosperity…

Barry Lewis Green, The Unity Guy with Epic Engage.

“Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.

Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. ― Abraham Lincoln