In Ready to Ride and Ride with Curiosity, I have been ruminating on readiness and the ride. I continue.
Last night, I had no less than 7 dreams (7, that I remembered!), ignited by meditations of late… and around which I need to further meditate.
Already, a percolating theme is the practice of Dominion.
Particularly around health, but also home and work.
Dominion is taking full on ownership of our lives. I intend to meditate further on this strength of Character. All I say to you today is maybe it is time to further reflect upon your own practice of same. Read and reflect on Dominion as virtue. How does it resonate and manifest for you, now and going forward?
Peace. 😉
Barry Lewis Green, The Unity Guy with Epic Engage.
Developing Leadership Character – Ivey Business Journal
“Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.
Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. ― Abraham Lincoln