First, I invite you to consider this article from RBC on 9 COVID Trends that Will Last. It identifies 9 key resets possible and probable, including a description of each, what is being seen, what it means and what is needed. The 9 include:
- The home will be the new economic hearth.
- HR will be the new IT.
- Self-care will be the new health care.
- Small business will be the next data frontier.
- Trust will be the new crypto-currency.
- Business will lead government on climate change.
- A creativity boom will reshape the content business (and every business is a content business).
- Digital learning will bridge remote and in-class learning.
- Micro-giving will transform philanthropy.
I humbly and strongly recommend the read and reflect. That said, today was the release of Budget 2021 for Newfoundland and Labrador. While freshly announced and I am still reflecting myself (and the details will certainly unfold in the days, weeks and months ahead)… I do sense a recognition of much of the 9 trends noted above.
Why do I note this? With the 9 trends offered by RBC and the table setting seemingly being established by the Province, I am charting my own path through and beyond. We each need get our own “lay of the land” in any given situation. I suggest it is Wisdom, in practice.
Recently, I posted on CUTE Consultation. Before that on leadership and management. Before that, on The Year That Was Not. The common and uncommon ground amongst these posts is detaching from past and the necessity to consult, manage and lead into a future reality.
My thought is that the one thing we probably all realize is that there is a need to reset and move forward. The status quo cannot be sustained. That reset will require (a) an awareness of the opportunities, challenges and possibilities ahead… i.e.. Mindfulness, (b) the sincere practice of consultation… i.e.. Cooperation, and (c) the need for great management and leadership… i.e.. Orderliness and Creativity. I would suggest that these are key ingredients of the Virtue of Resourcefulness… assessing the world, discerning together on what we can do, planning and moving forward. In life at school, work, business and community… it is not about the resources… it is about the Resourcefulness. It is about calling upon every strength of character necessary and doing our best at what is most needed. With our best practice of Resourcefulness, we recognize that we are in whatever this is, together. It is in this way that we move forward together, stronger. There are no magic formulae. It requires Character. It requires Resourcefulness. It is a Virtue.
As I ponder my own health journey… and my work and life going forward, I am cognizant of the need to be mindful of the world and its challenges and opportunities, the need to consult within and without to determine best plans, the need to forge a good plan, and the need to lead my life in such direction. In that way, I practice Resourcefulness. How about you? Consider the 9 trends noted above. Consult with yourself and trusted others, develop a solid plan and then lead into it.
Of late, I have been sharing some odds and ends of two cents on LinkedIn. I guess this is another few cents offered.
Peace, passion and prosperity…
Barry Lewis Green, The Unity Guy with Epic Engage.
“Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.
Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. ― Abraham Lincoln