In Watchmen of Overwhelm, I spoke to exhaustion. This week, while understanding exhaustion is not a moment and fatigue is not about instances of tired… I am ever more deeply understanding the importance of Character and Purpose and Unity. Let me explain.

Distractions, disappointments and despondency all circle around a lacking of Certitude. When we are uncertain of who we are, what we do and what matters most to us, we are prone to following “leads”, many of which can lead to those forces of Distraction, Disappointment and Despondency. Not following the Wisdom of Hell Yeah can lead us to fatigue and exhaustion born of “chasing the wind”. Going outside, instead of “in”. We chase the mirage of motives exterior to us. Our kid within knows better.

In my conversation with Christine Ayling last evening, we reflected on Trustworthiness and Creativity. In my conversation with Russell Zehtab … we talked of Nobility. In my conversation with Stephanie Staples and Shelley Hewins Brown, we chatted on, among other things, Resilience and Service. As I consider so many conversations of late, I come back to the notion of cut, keep and add. In order to address exhaustion and fatigue, I am realizing ever better that focusing on what truly matters most… matters most. Chasing the wind is futile. Being “unconstrained as the wind” is fertile. I guess (nay, I know) that is part of my Middle and High Ground.

Offers and ideas, projects and purposes not aligned with our Souls; these lead to greater incidences of Distraction, Disappointment and Despondency. I am at a stage and age where the territory I have explored, am exploring and will explore is understood as finite. My Soul is infinite. My time in this Realm is not. I get that; but to truly get that is to live accordingly. I am sure that there are many bells and whistles that I will miss, but I will not miss them. I am going for the adornings that matter most now and forward, for me. It is cut, keep and add time; unapologetically so. I know what is most important to me. I know who is most important to me. I do not owe any arbitrary obligations nor explanations. I know how and who I most wish to serve. Time to cut that which is not, keep that which is, and add that which will be.

For now, my strength and wellness matter most of all. I will be returning to “dancer boy”. He never really left. My focus will be my strength and health and getting back to dancer shape. I will return to teaching dance too. Yes, the dance initiative called WINDdancer will return. And, it will be a social enterprise supporting causes in which I believe; and matter most to me. Dancing for what matters most. To get there, I will be ever more “sharpening the blades” on my own sense of Character, Purpose and Unity within… my CPU. The kid knows. And, I will be sharing weekly here on that primed focus of boxing, dancing, strength and wellness. It is an exploration of my own best sense of CPU. It is a journey within to live without. It is a reset to stop chasing the wind; and be it. It will support me serving what and who matters most for me, going forward. It is there where we find our fertile ground. Peace. 😉

Barry Lewis Green, The Unity Guy with Epic Engage.

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“Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.

Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. ― Abraham Lincoln