In Down to Business and Strategy, I noted that my College year has begun. I love it. Still, it is a busy time with prep and projects, multiple courses and classes with even more multiple teams and projects. Plus business, and working on health and living life. The opportunity for overwhelm is there. Ya think? How about you?

That said, we do not want to be overwhelmed nor underwhelmed in life. Amidst trials, trails and triumphs alike, it might be wise to find the whelm.

Yesterday, I posted this on Wisdom I have received over the years on finding that. I also came across this on Contentment from Dan Thurmon. I have to tell you, this one is calling to me… screaming to me in a whisper. As Dan suggests, we should not confuse Contentment with complacency. We can still have our dreams and pursuits… they help ensure that we need not be underwhelmed. But, we can be content along the way, helping ensure we do not experience the overwhelm.

My humble suggestion to myself and you this day is this. Read and reflect on the Contentment card here. How can we better practice such amidst the forces of grind and hustle? Have a listen to the wisdom shared with me in the link above. Take in Dan’s words. The world and our respective corners of it could use more of it now and going forward. Our own health demands it amidst the drive for Excellence.

Contentment is where we find the WHELMwhere healthy excellences lives more, lol. Guy Matthews and I talked a bit about it indirectly here. Raven Warren and I chatted on it here.

A bit of a recurring theme, it seems. I am going to make it a priority to find it.

Peace, purpose and prosperity…

Barry Lewis Green, The Unity Guy with Epic Engage.

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“Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.

Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. ― Abraham Lincoln