“You will never get it all done”. These are words that constructively haunt me from some 24 years ago. Priorities… it is all about priorities. In truth, time management is a bit of a myth. Our time is finite. Indeed, I am reminded of this from Gandalf, albeit in another context, but the words still ring true. “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” What we decide to do with it is our best influence and control.
Yesterday, I crafted my first rendition of Panda in Honor to her spirit. I will continue to craft on this. More importantly for now, it got me thinking on priorities for both my learning and my work, Service and play going forward. I examined my education and experience to date and asked myself “What matters most going forward?” Where do I most desire to expend my energies and extend my Service into the world, given my own finite time? Where do I most joyfully seek to learn, serve, work and play? Such questioning required Courage, Candor, Honesty, Truthfulness, Detachment, Discernment, Decisiveness and Devotion. And then, yesterday, I posted this on Facebook.
Down 42 pounds. At one point, I was 335 pounds. Now 293. This I not about body shaming. My worth as a human being is not measured by my weight. Nor is yours. That said… it is about taking better care of this one body I have. I must… I intend to get back to the 240. I am 42 down and 53 to go. By New Year… I intend to be a 42″ waist down from 48″. 285 should get me there. Yep… 50 pounds down by January 1… 8 pounds more to drop in 5 weeks.
Then, into 2022. 6 pounds a month for a lifelong lifestyle thing. 279 by January 31. 273 by birthday. 267 by March 31. 261 by April 30. 255 by May 31. 249 by June 30. 243 by July 31. 237 by August 31. I offer this for my own Accountability… and to say a strategy is a goal oriented set of plans for action. Onwards to 285 … and 240.
Commitment, to health. My health is a priority as it will serve all my other soulful desires to serve, work and play. I know where I best want, need and desire to expend and extend. The task is to commit to such; to prioritize. To fully, and even unapologetically, execute on that. As I am about to embark on an extremely busy and purposeful 10 days, some things are priorities, others are not. Some projects and people require my attention now. Others do not. Through it all, and as noted, my health is priority too.
My thought to you this day, and to me this is week, is all about the only real control we have… in setting our best and most true priorities. Time and resources are finite. Our capacity to discern and decide is not. Use that power. As J. Oliver Crom once said to me in Garden City, New York in 1997.. “You will never get it all done”. His message was clear… prioritize. And I shall continue to do so.
Runnin’ down my own dream demands it. My own noble road does demand it. Some events even today reinforced that. With that in mind and heart, this will be my singular blog effort this week,,, because of that. Priorities speak. I listen. How about you? What matters most? Where are your true priorities? What are your Hell Yeahs? Commit. Peace. 😉
Barry Lewis Green, The Unity Guy with Epic Engage.
Developing Leadership Character – Ivey Business Journal
“Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.
Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. ― Abraham Lincoln