It is a two-fer today. Following up on my earlier blog regarding the ups and downs of life and living and working epic, I suggest that, personally and professionally, 2014 was a year of consolidation as growth for me. With that in mind, 2015 is being approached as a year expansion as growth,
With a new strategic vision and plan in place, characterized by simplicity and alignment, the intent is to focus on execution. In so doing, I am applying three simple daily steps. I use the acronym C.A.R.; consultation, action and reflection. With my one page strategic plan in hand, each day I will begin with a personal consultation with my plan to determine actions for the day, take those actions, and finish the day with reflection on results and growth. There is no auto pilot. There is only a daily process of execution using these three steps.
In so doing, I will be documenting reflections in and on various areas as they might relate to how we each can make this an epic year. That being said, each week, on Saturday, I will blog on thoughts and implications for epic leadership and engagement; through The EPIC Blog. Here, you will find considered thought around the kind of leadership and engagement and moves us forward together, stronger.
As well, on a daily basis, I will be blogging on personal and professional reflections on my actions and results right here at the Unity Connection. Here, you will find thoughts, quotes, music, articles and more that relate to unity, diversity, talent, culture, leadership and anything else that speaks to leading an epic life where we find our fit, as opposed to simply “fitting in”. Here, you will find an array of content that delivers on the notion that “epic leaders unite diverse talent to create cultures of growth”.
If you love great music that engages and inspires… if you love articles and thoughts that engage constructive collaboration… if you believe in policy and good governance over simple politics and the contention of “the game”… if you believe in service on the ground and in your face and heart… The Unity Connection will be a repository to explore advancing together in thought, will and action. The posts will be daily and can impact, work, business, school, community and life. I hope you join me there. I hope you LIKE it.
Peace, passion and prosperity.
Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy™