Dedication: adherence to something to which one is bound by a pledge or duty.

Today, Nicole Fowler (Service Leader at Epic Engage™) and I spent the day dreamstorming on the work of Epic Engage™ and dedicating the spirit and service of its work to the memory and honor of Marion MacDonald Green (see my last blog post).  A week ago Monday April 20, I made four promises to a wonderful mother and woman who exemplified love and grace and service.  Today, as we drove through Hearts Content and Winterton, the homes of both my parents, we dedicated this company and its work to Marion and Malcolm Green.  Tomorrow, Nicole commences full time engagement with this little, big hearted and high capacity company.  We intend to honor those promises.

We are an education company.  We engage education as a force for excellence, growth and change.  We are dedicated to working with youth and adults on campuses, in companies and throughout communities who see the power of character, capacity and creativity based education to affect constructive change at school, work and community.

Dedication is not easily arrived upon.  It requires the virtues of truthfulness, discernment and commitment.  If commitment is “doing the thing you said you’d do when you felt committed, long after you no longer feel committed” then one must be deliberate in deciding on that to which one will be dedicated.  It is the ultimate decision.  It is is the ultimate in decisiveness.

Increasingly, it appears that we live in a world swayed by indecision and moving with the winds of the day.  It is hard to know where people stand.  It is hard to know where companies stand; where governments stand.  Dedication advances certitude and trustworthiness; and we need it more than ever.  As you consider where your dedication lies, consider this:

  • To what do you pledge and promise honor and duty?
  • What is the source of that dedication?  What is the importance of that cause to you and others?
  • How will you best dedicate yourself?

In education and learning, dedication breeds commitment and excellence of both character and capacity.  With dedication, we go to work, do the work.  We sharpen the blades, and we fight the fight.

Tony Robbins shares some thoughts on start up here.  The ultimate message is dedication. One of my favourite bands of all time sings of it here. Gowan sings of it here.  “No power, no reason, no purpose which stands before me would shake my attention or focus from this one belief.”

Where do you feel such dedication?  Follow that trail.  It will not fail you.

…stay dedicated.

Peace, passion and prosperity.

Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy™