“TOGETHER… everything is going to be alright… so moved. Spread the word, everywhere. EVERY where.”
See This Video.
This was my repost on Facebook just minutes ago. This video, produced by Amelia Curran, and engaged by a plethora and diversity of souls in my native Newfoundland and Labrador, speaks to both nobility and wholeheartedness. If we are to engage healthier, flourishing and more prosperous companies, campuses and communities, we must engage the notion that we are all of incredible value… noble beings. We must get real and wholehearted.
How do we start?
We start with listening, and speaking. We start with opening our mouths, ears, hearts and minds. Integrity demands it. Success, in all its forms, cries out for it. Without conversations of substance, we are somehow masking both challenges and opportunities alike.
It occurs to me that when we speak of physical health, we often conjure up images of strength. When we speak of mental health, we focus on challenges. Physical, mental and spiritual healths are spectrums and we each have both trials and triumphs with respect to each. There is no “us” and “them”. We are in this together, and together… everything is going to be alright. Get together. Let’s be all right.
Peace, passion and prosperity.
Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy™