Finish it. Wholeheartedness is a virtue, and one I recommend this Christmas. I recommend it in the face of trial and triumph, challenge and opportunity, loss and gain. It is your “A Game”, where you can hold your head up high because you bring it. It is the core of what we call Humble Swagger.
For me, this year has been one of some profound and unexpected change in the face of the passing of my mother and the experience of a brain bleed. It has also been a time of discovery… of friends, family, challenges, opportunities and inner strength. There have been times where I did not think I could bring my A Game. But I did. An unexpected marathon of care and love at the hospital with mom, the eulogy at her funeral, and now this longer road towards healing and its changes demanded.
There have indeed been times this year where I have been tested. No doubt, you too. The question is how can we bring our whole to the game, whatever it might be. How can we bring our best, amidst the best or worst? So today, this day, I ask me and I ask you these questions.
- How can you give 100% to what you choose to do in 2016?
- How will you relentlessly live by your deepest values and purpose?
- How can you see and hear what is real, in service to yourself and others?
- How can you honor your own worth with the courage to be original?
- How will you demonstrate confidence in initiating new ideas?
- How can you awaken the virtues within by living them?
- How will you seize each day and purpose driven opportunity?
Indeed, some “light” homework in preparation for 2016. That being said, it might be the greatest gift you give yourself and others this coming year… by giving all that you are to all that you care about. Everything requires and provides everything.
Merry Christmas… and Happy Holidays and New Year (whatever you celebrate and however you celebrate them). Oh, and …
Peace, passion and prosperity.
Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy™