In Building Confidence, I concluded with “My thought to you, and me, this week is to take some sacred time and do a detailed inventory of the challenges you have faced and the successes you have seen. Take stock of your trails, trials and triumphs. Be deliberate and diligent and detailed. Do an audit. Build that inventory and admit to it. Detail the knowledge, skills, abilities, talents, capacities and character that you demonstrated and even gained throughout life and work. You can do it with your teams, colleagues, students and more. Evidence based research that builds our Confidence, in the now by considering the past and our track record. Such Confidence goes beyond knowing we have a skill. It goes to a type of Confidence in our capacity to meet the day, unscripted.” I do recommend the read and reflect on last week’s post.

I am taking such time. That said, and not even coincidentally, as I took my own inventory … two virtues became ever more apparent. Growing up, I knew of the U2 (the plane) and then U2, the band. Now, I offer a third.
Understanding and Unity dance together, taking turns leading and following. As I took, and am taking, my inventory, I am reminded of the countless times that I have witnessed, experienced and even lead in this dance. And, I am learning still.
Understanding forges Unity and Unity fuels Understanding. They can be a powerful countenance and gate, as we walk with ever more assured step. Seeking to better understand advances our capacity to more authentically unite, seeing our differences and our similarities both as strengths. We find an ever stronger unity in diversity. And owning a growing sense of such Unity, fuels our desire to ever better understand.
My singular thought to you and me today is to reflect on these two virtue cards offered. Ponder and wonder on what they might look like at home, school, work, business and community. How might they strengthen our leadership at the front and top lines and all points in between? How might they advance our dialogue and consultation… and our capacity to move forward together, stronger?
Peace, purpose and prosperity…

Barry Lewis Green, The Unity Guy with Epic Engage.
“Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.
Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. ― Abraham Lincoln