The process of going from being a “speaker” to “building an expertise and passion” is a journey of substance. My biggest learning to date is that, in order to create genuine and powerful focus for your business, in the private, public and community sectors, or in your personal life… you have to know your business.
For me, that implies three vital elements.
Know your goal. This is your “protectorate”, your Gotham, if you will. It is your vision and overarching mission. Who do you want to serve and how will you serve them? For me, that is EPIC, a vision of peace, passion and prosperity, locally and globally… throughout companies, campuses, communities and countries… based on work around character and culture. That is my protectorate. That is my vision, mission and goal; to be an EPIC champion of peace, passion and prosperity throughout the world. It is my big picture.
Know your role. This is your “identity”, your brand and reputation. I call this your Batman. In striving for your goal, who are you? What is your identity? How do you want to be known? For me, I am The Unity GuyTM. That is my identity.
Know your mole. This is the daily worker… the digger; your trusted assistant and sidekick. This is your Robin. This is about who will do the daily work of building identity, mission and vision; and it is a side of us. For me, it is my online presence, moving forward henceforth as the business educator side of me. Through online message and strategy, the business educator within, will, in daily ways, introduce ideas around peace, passion and prosperity at work, school, play and community. The message will be practical, and daily. That is my action.
And so it begins. My mission is EPIC, my identity is The Unity GuyTM and my daily work is as that friendly neighbourhood business educator.
How about you?
Peace,passion and prosperity.
The Business EducatorTM