In Character and Strength last week, I offered that “Character is not some bobber adrift on the ocean. It is a formidable and strong ship cutting through and riding the waves.”

Earlier today, on LinkedIn, I posted this on 4 Strengths for a Better World. I invite you to read and reflect.

For me, it forms a game plan, or the foundation of one for my own work and life going forward. For me, I am now looking at this next week as a fleshing out of that foundation. What would these 4 strengths look like for me as an educator and entrepreneur? What would they look like in terms of the work of Epic Engage and the promise I make to myself and those I serve going forward? What would they look like in terms of my closest friends and life? Yeah, these 4 are resonating in how I engage the world going forward… how I see it, walk through it, bring spirit to it, and serve it.

These 4 can have a profound impact on the sailing of that strong ship, cutting and riding the waves. I suggest you might want to ponder.

I am.

Peace, passion and prosperity…

Barry Lewis Green

aka The Unity Guy


and our MULTIVERSE of online forums and offerings

Barry Lewis Green moves the needle on character leadership and unity building with joyful ferocity and thoughtful zeal.  Barry helps leaders forge strong, united cultures at school, work, business and community.  Joe Calloway says, “I had the distinct pleasure of being in an audience in Montreal with Barry Lewis Green on the stage. Quite simply, Barry absolutely captivated us with his talent, his message, and his heart.  The feeling of unity that Barry created in the room that day was extraordinary.”  With 39 years in education and leadership training and development … and work in the private, public and community sectors across Canada… and as a speaker, educator, master facilitator, coach, writer, singer, dancer, and cartoonist, Barry stokes the fire on together strong.