This week, we started looking at Confidence in a LinkedIn post called In Confidence.  Within that post, we suggested “The strength to face what life brings, to act with self-assurance, appreciating our mistakes as lessons; this is Confidence. To practice patience and mastery; this is Confidence. To fully express our talents, capacities and ideas… this too is Confidence. Maintaining a positive outlook and trust in others is Confidence. The virtue that is Confidence goes beyond simple notions of perceived self-confidence. It reaches for a confidence in life itself.”

We introduced thoughts from L.P. Jacks and Max Ehrmann that spoke to the manifestation of Confidence as a virtue; a strength of character.

We also noted that “With Confidence, there is no shame or blame… only moving forward.”


  • Imagine this in the classroom and on campus.   What would Confidence look like in students and educators and counselors and administrators… and in support staff?  How could Confidence be encouraged?
  • Imagine this at work and in business.   What would Confidence look like in teams, staff, management and leadership?  How would it be engaged and practiced with colleagues and clients and customers? How could cultures of Confidence be encouraged?
  • Imagine this in our communities.   What would Confidence look like in community teams and staff, management and leadership?  How about citizenry?  How would it be engaged and practiced with colleagues, clients, customers, and constituents? How could communities of Confidence be encouraged?

I say this because a wise and ex Vietnam Vet in 1987 shared an insight that has remained with me for these 30 years… and will continue to do so.  “Mike” once told me “Courage first, confidence second.”  By that he meant that Confidence grows from Courage.  Courage is the soil from which Confidence grows, like a great tree.  The more you pay attention to the soil, the stronger the tree grows.

In my wide ranging and years of work with youth, I see this truth.  In the classroom and in training sessions I see this.  In my work with educators, entrepreneurs and emerging leaders, I see this.  We encourage to foster and forge Courage, with the intention of building Confidence.

I have seen great examples of this in my career within the private, public and not-for-profit sectors.  I have experienced great examples of this in finance, marketing, sales, HR and education.  I have also witnessed poor examples.  Encouragement is to give courage, in order to build Confidence.  Cultures of fear do not encourage… they build fear, doubt, anxiety and even apathy.

Now in the face of fear and hate and discouragement, we can find encouragement from others as Michelle Obama shares.  But it is not the fear that encourages the strength, but the seeking out of encouragement and heroic examples.  Michelle says that she is “a strong woman because of other strong woman,” and “You don’t mother alone, you don’t grandparent alone, you don’t struggle alone. You find your community.”

Communities and cultures of encouragement build Confidence.  Confidence advances the strength to face what life brings and to act with self-assurance, appreciating our mistakes as lessons.

Confidence gives us the capacity to practice patience and mastery.  It engages us to fully express our talents, capacities and ideas.  It emboldens a positive outlook and trust in others.

Consider the how and why to offering words of encouragement.  Imagine practicing Confidence ourselves and drawing it out in others at school, work, business and community.  Imagine it in our homes and circles, with family and friends.

Imagine… then do it up and get it done.

Peace, passion and prosperity.

Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy™

Barry is ultimately a vocalist, strength coach and educator. His work is about exploring, identifying, practicing and mastering our strengths and building upon them through practical and powerful unity and resourcefulness. That is why Barry is The Unity Guy™. EPIC Engage™ is an extension of The Unity Guy™. The Epic work is all about building strong, united and inspired cultures lead by character… at school, work, business and community; where everyone matters and contributes everyday.


Here are some additional resources that may be of use and\or interest:

PPS (Other Resources)

  • Our work is all about character. We work hard and joyfully to help build character driven, united and resourceful organizations and communities around the globe. As part of that work, we offer you …
  • and our buffet of FREE services and resources here.