The virtue I am pondering is Courage this day; the Courage to Perfect.  10 days ago was my last post on Spring Forward, March On.  It has been an eventful 10 days.  No stories,today though.  I am left with a thought all the same.  With 4 days left in my Baha’i Fast and the discernment from same… and with my last report in here on my blog… March 20 is Naw Ruz (New Day) and my New Year.  My goals remain for Spring and Summer:

  • 36” waist, healthy and strong; best shape of life
  • master and lifelong student of character and unity
  • speaker in English, Mandarin and French
  • student with The Ruhi Institute
  • lover, singer dancer, cartoonist, writer, archer and storyteller
  • simple man with my #bestlittledogintheworld Panda
  • business educator with CNA
  • Strategic Leader with Epic Engage™
  • financially capable contributor to the world

7 days ago, I grouped them with the notion of Semesters in mind.  Right now, for March 21 through June 20, 2019, I am focused on 5:

  • 40” waist, healthier, stronger
  • successfully complete my MUN course this semester
  • successfully complete my academic year as business educator with CNA
  • sharpen the blades building Epic Engage™ and its 5 core deliverables
  • complete my 5 year WEALTH and contribution Plan

My focused 5.  I say this because I remain a deep believer in the BIG VISION, and the 90 day Strategic Goals… and now the idea of the Semester work.  I have 5 courses to work on.  My thought to you is have your big prize and your shorter term strategic goals in getting there… and treat every 90 days like a semester in a term.  I think you will find it useful.

Peace, passion and prosperity…

Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy