A few days ago, I wrote on Your 4 Best Horsemen.  In it, I suggested that “Last night, amidst a circus of emotions and though singing the tunes, I thought of 4 words that I now choose to guide me up and into Summer, whereupon I spend 2 months with my bestie and soul sister visiting.  HEALTH. WORK. SIMPLE. LOVE.”  Then earlier today, I posted on broadCASTing Your Ideas.

Tonight, I posted this on Facebook.

  • Since initially articulating my focus on these 9 milestones, real and encouraging progress is happening. That being said, I have been restless of late. It is today that I realize why.  There is a purpose to all of these. It is born of being ready for what I have been calling the “next chapter”. But there is still a depth and breadth of Honesty that needs manifesting for me now.  At this place and space in my life, I am ready. I am ready for a healthier, stronger Barry. I am ready for a more simple and focused life filled with the work I love. I am ready for a life of Panda, dancing, singing, movies, and “coffees”… much of which I have now, but more. And I am finally ready for love; not contrived nor forced nor urgent but when it arrives… I am ready… without plan or intent or timing in mind. Why do I offer this? It does not change who I am or what I do. But, as I approach a Summer that will be remarkable (and it will be)… I need to articulate… to say the words. I will be healthy and strong. I will do the work I love. I will be singing and dancing and doing all the things I love. And, I will be ready. Yeah, I needed to say the words. I have done so. Now, on to living.

All of that is to say that two things occur to me this evening; the power of Simplicity and Honesty.  Get clear on what you truly want, and say it.  Then, go live.

Peace, passion and prosperity…

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Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy

broadCAST April 2019

Leaducator March 2019

Developing Character Leadership

The Character of Leadership