Some two weeks back, I offered This is Day One:  The Journal Begins.  In it, I said, among other things…

  • “On December 31, I posted this wish of Happy 2018!  Within it, I offered thoughts on 5 strategies for the incoming year.  I believe it worth a read and viewing… and reflection.  If making this an authentic and great year is important, I doubly suggest so.
  • The C.A.S.T.™ also, collectively, offered this post on 10 perspectives on goals and their achievement; and I humbly but strongly recommend the read as well.  There are views and thoughts worth the time, plus music and message that can add to your launch into 2018.”

I offer this to say, “How is your new year going thus far?” 

What is it bringing you?  What are you bringing to it?  Is it more of the same ol’ same ol’?  If so, what needs changing?  Are the challenges heightened?  If so, what needs to be called upon within you to rise to those challenges, in whatever healthy form?  Is it going great, full on and better than expected?  How can you best ride that wave to ensure sustainability as best you can?

Either way…

… the arbitrary changing of dates does not necessarily change anything; as much as the fireworks might say otherwise.  The 1st of the year is but a convenient anchor point for a somewhat inconvenient truth.  Much of it is our choice.  It is our choice in terms of how we act and respond.  It is our choice in terms of how much we accept and do not.  It is our choice to get back on the horse or not.  That is our responsibility… our response ability.

I heard it said years ago that every diet works.  Some are healthier than others, but every diet works… if we avoid the one fatal step.  When we fall off, however briefly, do we give up or get back at it?  The nutritional counselor in the radio interview said that, if we do well for 6 days and bad for one…. we will be successful… if we get back at it.  This is true of anything as goal.

It is true in matters of business, health, job hunting, and more.

For me…

I entered this year, with great progress in my walking… 105,000-120,000 steps a week.  A week ago, my left ankle pulled and I have had to bring things back.  But I adjusted, both exercise and diet (not a “diet”, my food intake).  I remain eating healthy and walking to a lesser degree, for now.  The result?

I sit here, writing, in pants that are 42″ waist, down from a max of almost 50″ at one point.  I am in an online exercise and walking group using Fitbit, and I am even guest hosting some online exercise classes for my friend Krista Walsh… aaagh.  I am adapting and reducing and managing this journey.  I am making better choices.

Steadfastness and Flexibility

This is the one area for the last almost 20 years that has been challenging.  It was challenging because (a) I never found the answer that worked for my temperament (until now) and because, in the past, when I fell off, I did not successfully reset.  I did not adjust.

Darwin never actually said it was “survival of the fittest”.  He essentially said it was survival of the most adaptable.  Rivers get where they are going… they may meander, go to trickles, then rapids and falls but they get where they are going.

All of this is to say that steadfastness and flexibility are important elements of our growth.  They are heroic in nature.  We learn and adapt but we do not give up.  Wherever you are with your goals, know that this is always DAY ONE.

Peace, passion and prosperity.

Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy™

Barry is ultimately a vocalist, strength coach and educator. His work is about exploring, identifying, practicing and mastering our strengths and building upon them through practical and powerful unity and resourcefulness. That is why Barry is The Unity Guy™. EPIC Engage™ is an extension of The Unity Guy™. The Epic work is all about building strong, united and inspired cultures lead by character… at school, work, business and community; where everyone matters and contributes everyday.


Some other reads, of note…

PPPS (Other Resources)

  • Our work is all about character. We work hard and joyfully to help build character driven, united and resourceful organizations and communities around the globe. As part of that work, we offer you …
  • and our buffet of FREE services and resources here.