Yesterday, I wrote on Digital Coffees I am having with Raven Warren, on mental health. I recommend checking out some or all of our first 14 episodes noted in the blog. They are real and engaging. In the coming weeks, I will be sharing on other Digital Coffees I am having with Guy Matthews on life and living it… as well as Elaine Dunphy on body movement and wellness, Dawn Gough on environmental sustainability, Stephen Burry on immigration and diversity, and Christine Ayling on virtues and character.

That said, it got me thinking to share our other channels at TUGtv. Our broadCAST Live was our first to launch… with some 26 videos now to date, including shorter launch trailers. With broadCAST Live, Jon Butler and I have conversations with people doing good work around the world, directly and indirectly related to the global goals. The focus is on community development, leadership and engagement, and learning from one another in conversation.

The Justice Lead series focuses on the faces, facets and forms of Justice. Through real and engaging conversation, we learn on Justice and its application across society. The dialogue is engaging and filled with robust curiosity. Trent Langdon and I have such a curiosity for exploring the need for and manifestation of Justice at home, school, work, business, community and life.

Talk Reel, talks real on ideas and thought. Stephanie Staples and I have conversations with experts on topics ranging from motivation to change to emotional intelligence and beyond. We have a lot of fun doing it too. A LOT!

Then, with #hUmaNITY, we explore just that… chatting with people from all parts of the world… to explore being human, at our best. Ana Pérez Rico, Zheng Li and I have fun talking around the notion with guests around the planet. We discover unity in our diversity… and the journey continues.

Brilliant Souls focuses on youth and those serving youth. Melissa Humphries and I have great conversations with youth and organizations with a mission to support same. They are true conversations, back and forth, shining the light on incredible youth and agencies committed to them.

And, we have my personal and pet project of TUGtalks where I get to chat person-to-person with people with whom I have an interest in exploring what they do and why they do it. Think of a TED Talk without the speech and with lots of back and forth. With all of these series, the approach is long form conversation and not interviews. They are filled with the back and the forth, and the real and engaging… spurred by curiosity and even plenty of fun. Personally, I am finding them to be part of finding my next stage of purpose, if you will. We invite you to check them out… engage and enjoy… and even subscribe. Commercial free, no cost and there will be more to come.
Peace, passion and prosperity…

Barry Lewis Green, The Unity Guy with Epic Engage.
“Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.
Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. ― Abraham Lincoln