Of late, I have posted on Your Best CPU … as well as A Better Lens for Growth … Your Cooperative System … and Finding Purpose with Some C4. All, in some way, shape or form, have to do with finding and advancing our own best sense of Purpose and Character and Unity. Part of my own Purpose is to have meaningful conversations and dialogue.

That said, for some months now, we have been running Digital Coffees where I get to chat with good friends and experts on a range of topics from mental health with Raven Warren, to life and living it with Guy Matthews… to Elaine Dunphy on body movement and wellness, Dawn Gough on environmental sustainability, Stephen Burry on immigration and diversity, and Christine Ayling on virtues and character. In this blog, I simply intend to offer up a library to date on those conversations with Raven around mental health and self care. In future weeks, we will offer up on the other conversations respectively. Engage, enjoy and even subscribe. There is ever more to come.

B’Raven Thoughts on Mental Health

And, check out Raven’s online community around mental health… and her website. Still more to come, as we chat on questions around mental health, self care and more.

Peace, passion and prosperity…

Barry Lewis Green, The Unity Guy with Epic Engage.

“Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.

Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. ― Abraham Lincoln