First, off … and finally… to get truly grounded on this journey, I invite you to check out 4 earlier posts called Wayfarer: Ground Zero?  and Wayfarer 1.0 and Wayfarer 1.1and Wayfarer 1.2.   While this will be the last recap of sorts, I think it somewhat necessary to note that, in and throughout them, I offered this…

Back on October 15, I offered this on 77 Days and Beyond.  Then, on October 18, I shared on GREAT and SLOWER Health.  Since then, I have continued to live, reflect and learn.  This past week, I got rid of 4 pairs of 46″ waist pants; an act of burning my boats, if you will.  I have fortified my home with good food… in taste and sustenance.  I have witnessed a slimming, even today.  And all of that is to say that this journey continues… and, starting in November… weekly on Wednesdays… I will be checking in on my journey around the application and practice of character in this area of greatest and most present challenge; my very own health.  I do invite you to join me as the lessons learned and shared will be applicable across many areas of life, I humbly expect, suggest and contend.

With all of that in mind…

I had my weigh in.  43 pounds down.  From the high of 316.  Still, this has been a plateau kind of week.  My weight has pretty much hung tight.  I am 43 pounds down… 2 pant sizes reduced.  But, it has also been a time of both encouragement and consolidation, before the next big push.

Over the weekend, I posted this pic, humbly but enthusiastically.  The resulting response of encouragement was positively overwhelming.

203 responses and counting, of kindness and encouragement.  That kind of response helps to generate Confidence and Accountability.  The outpouring of constructive response serves to further strengthen resolve.  And, I am thankful… humbly so.  Indeed and in deed, such feedback helps to advance Confidence, Accountability, Responsibility, Strength, Resolution, Gratitude and Humility… and more.  All virtues; all strengths of character.  Appreciation, in itself, is a virtue.  The Appreciation expressed by so many, is returned for such expression.   The point, for me, is the importance that character plays in such a journey and the willingness of people to be kind and supportive… all strengths of character.  It is not lost on me.

Now, as to consolidation… goals are great, and I am achieving mine.  43 pounds and two pant sizes down.  Yup.  🙂  Another 30-40 to go.  Goals are important.

Still, at this time of plateau, juncture and consolidation… it is more apparent even now…  execution is daily.  As I noted in my last Wayfarer post, “Coming from a masonry contracting family, strong buildings are built one brick at a time.  Each brick, well laid, supports the next.  That requires the virtues of Discipline, Diligence and Devotion; being wholly committed to execution each day. It requires treating each day as a well laid brick, and understanding that the results will take care of themselves so long as one executes with Excellence, another virtue.  In other words… while setting effective goals is vital, it is the execution that makes it happen.  That execution requires a daily approach of Discipline, Diligence and Devotion.  It requires it one day a time.”

Consolidation is a daily practice… to look back and ahead, and assess where you are.  That is strategic.  The process of strategic planning involves 4 steps:

  • Analyze the Situation (Consolidation)
  • Formulate a Strategy
  • Implement the Strategy
  • Evaluate the Strategy

… and each of these can be done daily.  At the end of each day, take account of the day, and CONSOLIDATE.  From there strategize for the next day, implement that strategy, and evaluate again at day’s end.  Dale Carnegie would say “Live in Day Tight Compartments.”  Baha’ullah would say “Bring thyself to account each day…”

For me and for now… I am starting again, but this day 43 pounds lighter and 4 inches slimmer.  But, I am starting again.  And, each day, I will.


Where in your work or life do you need to more greatly practice daily Discipline, Diligence and Devotion to start again, each day?  Where in your life… do you need to understand that goals achieved are goals maintained, and that requires daily attention?

I invite you to do that.

I also invite you to THIS EVENT TOMORROW.

Until next time,

Peace, passion and prosperity.

Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy™

Barry is ultimately a vocalist, strength coach and educator. His work is about exploring, identifying, practicing and mastering our strengths and building upon them through practical and powerful unity and resourcefulness. That is why Barry is The Unity Guy™. EPIC Engage™ is an extension of The Unity Guy™. The Epic work is all about building strong, united and inspired cultures lead by character… at school, work, business and community; where everyone matters and contributes everyday.



Some other reads, of note…

PPS (Other Resources)

  • Our work is all about character. We work hard and joyfully to help build character driven, united and resourceful organizations and communities around the globe.

AND an invitation…