Earlier today, I posted on The High Road referencing thoughts around just cause and knowing your why, as Simon Sinek refers to say. I humbly suggest you check it out. That said, later in the day, I also found myself sharing on the importance of why, will and way.
Our WHY is our motivation, our fire within. Indeed and in deed, it serves as our light. Our WILL is our practice of Discipline in between the moments of WHY if you will (no pun intended). It is our “best we can“… when we need to dig deeper Discipline carries our Commitment when we do not feel our Commitment at a given time.
Commitment is doing the thing we said we would do when we felt committed, long after we no longer feel committed.
Enter Discipline. Think of it. Our WHY are the rocks we jump and land upon across the river. Our WILL are the jumps between and amongst them. The rocks ground us in our WHY. The jumps give us the opportunity to get there.

Then there is the WAY. 40+ years in leadership training and development, 25+ years in business education, 19 years with The Virtues Project, 17 years around temperament and personality, 14 years with Dale Carnegie Training… all serve to tell and remind me that we each must find our own best WAY. Can we learn from Wisdom shared through training, development, coaching and mentorship? Absolutely. Still, it must be our WAY.
Commitment is doing the thing we said we would do when we felt committed, long after we no longer feel committed.
Commitment needs Discipline.
Our WHY needs our WILL… and our WAY.
Yes, Motivation and Discipline and Integrity… we need them in our relationships, work and lives.
Finding, naming and claiming our WHY, getting clear on how we choose and intend to manifest our WILL, and doing it our WAY… it all matters,
Peace, passion and prosperity…

Barry Lewis Green, The Unity Guy with Epic Engage.
“Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.
Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. ― Abraham Lincoln