Since the “soft launch” of the new website, I have offered up on many real and substantive conversations with co-hosts and guests through TUGtv… plus character driven blogs on…
- The Year that was Not
- The CO Split: Leader v Manager
- CUTE Consultation
- Resourcefulness is a Virtue
- Certitude and Service: Do Your Homework
- Clean, Fierce and Focused
- To What and Whom Do You Commit
- Building Cultures of Confidence
- Business, Life and Learning
- Why Character?
- Clarity on Purpose
- Getting Real Engaged
- The Justice Lead
- Dialogue in Deed
- The Inner Dialogue
All of this is to say that (a) over July and August, the site will be fully re-imagined and (b) the work going forward will ever increasingly focus on a core belief that Humanity is the high road and the core to solution at school, work, business and community.
I unapologetically believe that our human spirit, our “human tech”, our Humanity is the source solution through and out, and beyond. I imagine as Gene Roddenberry believed, that our Humanity is our highest standard and inhumanity our lowest… and, that Character is our highest expression of Humanity. And, that Character is our expression of Humanity in its myriad faces, facets and forms.
Character is our path to our Humanity and best Unity… in all arenas of human endeavour..
My studying, teaching, speaking, facilitating, training, educating, coaching, mentoring, singing, dancing, cartooning, writing, blogging, vlogging and creating will be ever more fully grounded in this just cause chosen. Humanity not only matters. It is vital. Advancing it is founded on and grounded in an exploration of Character. I stand for Humanity championed at school, work, business and community. My WHY is a deep belief in the high road that is Humanity. The how is through educating, engaging and entertaining on same. The what is the “studying, teaching, speaking, facilitating, training, educating, coaching, mentoring, singing, dancing, cartooning, writing, blogging, vlogging and creating”.
As I move forward, this is my LIFE/work. This is my WHY and JUST CAUSE. What is yours?
Peace, passion and prosperity…
Barry Lewis Green, The Unity Guy with Epic Engage.
“Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.
Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. ― Abraham Lincoln