An intriguing and thought provoking look at learning and development, going forward… is this article from HBR. Design thinking is a revolution of thought around learning, and yet it is not. I believe it to be a return. Prior to the industrial age, it was how we learned ultimately… IMHO.
That being said, the experience is the teacher. Educators and trainers are gifted in supporting this by accepting the full on mantle of facilitating learning; not delivering it. Creating cultures of creativity and learning is about supporting and advancing the capacity to learn… not the capacity to be taught. I see this requiring in educators, trainers, facilitators and coaches of the future … the following strengths of character.
Wisdom is beyond knowledge. It is its synthesis… of experience. Experience best teaches experience. Knowledge is easily accessible these days, and increasingly so as we move forward. Wisdom is different. It crafts mindfulness, thoughtfulness, discernment and judgement.
Initiative inspires. It engages learning. It empowers us to engage learners in the art of learning. With Initiative, we advance creativity and independence of thought. We unleash instead of harness.
Service is value. It is value added. It makes a difference. It is useful. With Service, we bring our best experience to the table and we find ways to ever serve those with whom we work in the process that is learning.
Excellence; the excelling at craft and process. Excellence gives us our value. We have reached some level of mastery and are striving for more. We continuously stay ahead of simple knowledge and “sharpen our blades” on turning it into wisdom of experience and expertise.
Educators, teachers, trainers, facilitators and coaches of the future must needs practice wisdom, initiative, service and excellence. This goes for speakers, thought leaders and provokers, and gurus (self anointed or otherwise). They all must be WISE. We all must be. The days of spooning it out are done. The days of delivering notes and lectures are done. The days of presenting are done. The days of “having the answer” are done. We need engagers of the learning process; not unlike veteran players of the game who earned the right of experience and judgement and wisdom.
The good news is that there remains a vital role for those with the gifts to teach. The challenge is will we dance with education and learning instead of deliver it?
Peace, passion and prosperity.
Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy™
Barry is ultimately a strength coach. His work is about exploring, identifying, practicing and
mastering our strengths and building upon them through practical and powerful unity and resourcefulness. That is why Barry is The Unity Guy™. EPIC Engage™ is an extension of The Unity Guy™. The Epic work is all about building strong, united and inspired cultures lead by character… at school, work and community; where everyone matters and contributes everyday.
Here is a post on asking better questions that might be useful too.
Our work is all about character. We go beyond behaviour to help build character driven, united, and resourceful organizations and communities around the globe. As part of that work, we offer you …
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