I love the sense of the Fall. I truly do. There is something refreshing for me… and not simply the chill in the air… but the sense that nature is readying itself for rest and reset.
In The Unity Within just yesterday, I concluded with “The regions of the landscape of our lives… it is our Dominion. Understanding the balance and peace and Unity of those regions (I call them the regionALs… spirituAL, physicAL, mentAL, emotionAL, materiAL, professionAL, personAL, financiAL, entrepreneuriAL, occupationAL, and vocationAL) is about building a healthy Federation within. The regions need cooperate and complement, not divide. For me, rather than dream and wish and set goals, I choose to explore my own “calling” and see how the regions of my life can and must unite to move in that direction. It is about building our own best sense of Unity through Understanding ourselves. What calls to you? What soulfully calls to you? What is your just cause? How can you best have the regions of your life landscape unite under that banner?” I am reminded today, just ahead of attending a global and virtual celebration of 30 years of The Virtues Project, that I am in that mode of readying for reset.
Upon a recent trip to one of my fave spots (Cape Spear) and amidst taking in the wind, land and water, I was reminded of what I see as the “ancient and imperishable”. Our Souls are such. They are somehow beyond this material existence, freed of time and space. They are “there” now, even. As I start finally writing my childhood stories of imagination, 50 years later, I am reminded of the J’h J’h Berries. I am reminded that our Souls exist outside of time and space, and that is why I need to listen to mine… to listen to that still, small voice inside… to quiet the noise and courageously listen. To hear the waves relentlessly beating a path to my best self. Ancient and imperishable.
What does that mean?
For me, it means the world has much that I can learn. This is the importance of education and science. Still, even more, it means that my Soul already knows. I must listen within. I must explore the inner universe in order to better explore the outer.
What does that mean? It means that our most important answers are found within. As I teach in Strategic Management, an open system takes in information and resources and processes them for outcome. That inner processing converts resources into capacities. That inner processing, for us as humans, is about going inward to live outward. Ooops, gotta run to that event.
Post script, and I am back lol. What a wondrous event that was; inspiring, galvanizing and resonating for me. Not in some rah-rah way, but substantive and soulful, for me. I could hear my Soul speaking in a whisper, but loudly. It confirmed much of what I had already soulfully discerned this past year; but it also added. All I can say for now is that it saddled up to this notion of reset for me in fundamental ways, impacting work, enterprise and life alike. Other than that, I will let deeds, not words, be my own adorning.
My thought to you is quiet the noise, listen within, and know that you already know.
Peace, purpose and prosperity.
Barry Lewis Green, The Unity Guy with Epic Engage.
“Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.
Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. ― Abraham Lincoln