In I Choose, I shared … “I am reminded. Fewer projects. More love for the ones I keep. Success not defined by anything other than simple, joyful purpose. Impact. Impact with one person. Or thousands. It matters not. Impact matters. The Endgame, my endgame is simple. This life is mine, outlier with a love for humanity.” I am talking my own sense of Integrity.
I am now in the midst of launching into a vacay, desired and (I think) deserved… and one to find my own new order if you will…

… and so I write this blog post prematurely this week. I also write this hot on the heels of a second session with aspiring Virtues Project Facilitators. For them, and for me, going into this week… I offer 5 virtues around which I also intend to explore, to simply thrive.
They are the five I added in ROCK 105.

These five I intend to deepen in over the next few weeks and ahead of a new College year. I believe and contend they are Virtues that expect a deeper dive, sacrificing everything else for everything truly desired.
Explore if you like and dare. See you on the other side. 😉
Peace, passion and prosperity…

Barry Lewis Green
aka The Unity Guy
and our MULTIVERSE of online forums and offerings

Barry Lewis Green moves the needle on character leadership and unity building with joyful ferocity and thoughtful zeal. Barry helps leaders forge strong, united cultures at school, work, business and community. Joe Calloway says, “I had the distinct pleasure of being in an audience in Montreal with Barry Lewis Green on the stage. Quite simply, Barry absolutely captivated us with his talent, his message, and his heart. The feeling of unity that Barry created in the room that day was extraordinary.” With 39 years in education and leadership training and development … and work in the private, public and community sectors across Canada… and as a speaker, educator, master facilitator, coach, writer, singer, dancer, and cartoonist, Barry stokes the fire