Heading into Fall. 

This is the new Chamber Minutes™; a monthly blog post in service to the Mount Pearl Paradise Chamber of Commerce and its membership, through its Board and newsletter.  Here, we will logotake a few minutes to consider a thought that might help build greater strength in the face of challenges and opportunities alike.  As a proud and fairly new member of the Chamber, Epic Engage™, is all about strength, unity and resourcefulness and how to get there.  We look forward to exploring same, in service to you… our fellow members.

This MONTH with the CHAMBER

To add some history, here is the very first “issue” posted back on May 30, 2016, introducing the Chamber itself and its services.  We still recommend it as a good read for members and those interested in membership alike.  As well, here you will find the Chamber Minutes for August 2016, in case you are catching up.  Catching up is always better than not catching up.  🙂

As you may have already noticed in the Chamber newsletter, things are happening in our business community… and we invite you to check out what is going on.  September 8th is the Chamber Golf 118-chamber_golf_tournament_is_backTournament and The Chamber is gearing up for a busy Fall, building community.  Stay tuned.  We are.



2 Fundamental Ways to Serve

That being said, this month, we thought to dig a little deeper on service and its relationship to the times in which we find ourselves.  There are a multitude of great programs around service training.  Indeed, it is a skill… and one we need to consistently and continuously perfect.  Ultimately though, here we suggest it is about foresight and value.  Randy Pennington and Joe Calloway speak to thatRandy addresses the importance of knowing where we are going and says “people run towards value”.  Joe speaks to usefulness and relevance.  Indeed, these are factors foundational to service excellence; see ahead and serve with ultimate value.  Based on this, consider:

  • How can you build an ongoing awareness of what lies ahead?  How can you build in the habit of staying alert for what is coming; working strategically beyond the day-to-day?
  • How can you add real value to the customer experience… that can be delivered simply and consistently?

Still, Service is a Spirit

Still and all, service is a spirit.  It is about caring about who we serve.  It moves beyond a focus on the Strengthoutcomes that we call revenues and centers in on our efforts. Service is the motivation, and our actions are its manifestation.  The results are our revenues and our success.  Our revenues, much like marks on an exam, are indicators of whether we are doing what we need to do.  As a business educator for 20 years, I encourage my students to focus on the effort and the results will come.  Service is a strength that is strategic and sustainable… and sustaining.

With the imminent start of the NFL Season, here are three thoughts from Vince Lombardi which I and we suggest speak to this.

Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.

The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.

Individual commitment to a group effort – that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.

Let the spirit sink in.

Some Other Questions to Ask

Within these times of change and challenge, trial and triumph alike… here are some questions fundamental to advancing service excellence and the success that comes from same.

  • What do we best do?
  • For whom do we best do it?
  • How can we consistently best do it?
  • How can we ever advance in our ability to respond in doing it?
  • How can we do so in a way that advances return on investment?

Answer these questions for you and your team.  Explore the power of simplicity and focus.  Simple ain’t stupid.  It is brilliant in advancing excellence of focus and service.

The Bottom Line

Service is strength…. and strategic advantage.  With that in mind, here might be three other reads of value as you move forward.

The Mount Pearl Paradise Chamber of Commerce is our chamber, and the Board is committed to ever better serving its members.  Service is excellence in the making, and more needed than ever as we forge forward as a business community.

Until next month…

Peace, passion and prosperity.Educator

Barry Lewis Green, aka The Unity Guy™


A video message around labour, work, service and excellence.


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