What am I waiting for? Nothing, now. That said, I have sometimes been prone to waiting on people and things when I sometimes would be wiser in not doing so. That is not a criticism of others but an awareness of alignment, or lack thereof, in a given circumstance or situation. I have done so both personally and professionally at times in my life. You?
I am exploring Decisiveness of late… and, to be honest, making some big decisions. In The Real Control, I noted that “My thought to you this day, and to me this is week, is all about the only real control we have… in setting our best and most true priorities. Time and resources are finite. Our capacity to discern and decide is not. Use that power.” I was referring to our capacity and need to discern on that for which we care and not. And then, last evening, I posted on Facebook…
“Saying “I don’t care anymore” does not necessarily mean that we do not care. It can mean we have chosen better things around which to care going forward. I don’t care anymore. “

This is true whether we are talking personally or professionally. This is true when we are reflecting on finding our best sense of purpose.
That said, and for me, there are things around which I have decided that I am DONE. There are things around which I have decided that I will continue to DEVOTE.
And, there are new things around which I will DARE. And, for December, I have found the gift of Devotion… that around which I will bring my energies.
I am done with projects and efforts that do not seem to have an energy, that tread water and drag heels and heart. I am done with saying yes unless it is a HELL YEAH. I am done with old habits around health that no longer serve. I am done with any sense of arbitrarily “dialing back” unless I simply and truly want to…

I am DEVOTED to my love of education, character, unity, and purpose. I love my work, soulfully, and will continue it as LIFE/work. I am DEVOTED to my handful of friends who can’t be bought. I am DEVOTED to my modest home and “way of life” and holding to the notions of a Simple Man. I am DEVOTED to my loves and whatever capacities I have in speaking, teaching, educating, coaching, mentoring, facilitating, training, cartooning, singing, dancing, writing, blogging, vlogging and creating. I am DEVOTED to my discerned and discerning Faith. I am DEVOTED to my love of Sci-Fi and Trek and Marvel and more. I am DEVOTED to Love and Honor and the exploration of Virtue… and the betterment of the world, if Atlas falls.

And I DARE to explore Boxing and Mandarin and Astronomy… and get back to Archery. I choose to DARE to redefine age as anything other than an arbitrary number. I choose to DARE to be that spirit of “thunder and lightning” and that “900 pound Gorilla” who will not change the world but will ride with those that do. I choose to walk according to the words, “When the swords flash, go forward…”
90 Days and a Month
Of late, I have been considering 90 day strategies… and now looking at 1 month “bucket lists” grounded in them (see above with my Christmas Tree) … and runnin’ down my dream with and through them. With that in mind and heart, here are some thoughts for you, and me. I am seeing them as gifts. Those thoughts include the question “What might be your bucket list for the month?” Those thoughts also include the suggestion that we draw up our own lists of Three Wise Things… our lists of DONE, DEVOTE and DARE.

In the end, and the beginning, reflect and consider on your answers to these three questions and develop three wise lists.
- What is it time to let go of?
- What is it time to keep?
- And what is it time to begin?
Oh, and check out this related, robust and real conversation with Guy Matthews on change, challenge and choice.
Peace. 😉

Barry Lewis Green, The Unity Guy with Epic Engage.
Developing Leadership Character – Ivey Business Journal
“Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.
Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. ― Abraham Lincoln