After a bit of a Holiday Hiatus, we are back… and into 2020! Happy New Year!!! Our last post (January 2: 365) offered up some thoughts from Tonya Whittle on What I Really Need. Have a read. Before that, we offered up (while on hiatus):
Then, way back in November, we offered up on Empathy. In October, we offered up on Fear. You can dig back into the links contained within on that. In September, on Love. Now, we start looking ahead… on change and choice. Let’s get at it.
Jenny says…

Hello my beauties! It feels like far too long since I have had the pleasure of writing to you all. But what can I say? December was a very busy month for me.
I recently graduated from my Child and Youth Care program. I have been approved for my final placement with a very reputable company, which begins now, in this new year.
… and I have been busy as hell with all the Christmas business. Not complaining in the slightest, as I love the Holidays and all that it stands for. But needless to say, I have been super busy and at times overwhelmed. Not a bad thing as I am well aware and mindful of all the feelings it has stirred within me. With the craziness and hustle and bustle, there has been the end of some things and the beginning and start of others. I guess that means I will chat about “out with the old, and in with the new”. And how, at times, we can find ourselves overwhelmed with the process, but if we just take a moment how astonishing it can all really be.
How we can watch things and patterns change. How your life can transform right before your eyes. Now, and over these next few weeks here and in The broadCAST, let’s dig in my little darlings. How about a little adventure to a new beginning with your one and only? I will share more next week here and in The broadCAST. Stay tuned. 🙂
Barry says…

Change requires change. Everything requires everything. Everything we most soulfully desire requires everything of us. I have spent Christmas and the Holidays, finishing off 2 university courses and an eventful Fall Term; the busiest of my life. I spent those Holidays relaxing and blogging on character at Christmas and The Holidays. Many of those posts you can find here… and you can go back and browse if you like. Me thinks there is some good stuff in there, if I do say so myself.

Most of all, I have gifted myself a vision wall for 2020.
But change requires change; and over the next few weeks, I will share my own thoughts on vision to dream to goal to action… on thought, will and action… exploring the rubber hitting the road. For now, consider this from Denzel Washington. Maybe even this from Kid President. Or this.
We are going to go deeper. Stay with us…
Peace, passion, prosperity, and a whole bunch of Love and Character

Benny and Jarry
Peace, passion and prosperity…
- broadCAST October 2019
- Leaducator October 2019
- Deliver October 2019
- AukWords October 2019
- broadCAST mini-library
and our MULTIVERSE of online forums and offerings
Benny and Jarry

Jenny Dearing speaks to love in action. She brings talent, experience and learning around love, trauma and care. With a passion for Child and Youth Care and Addictions, and a background in same, she connects, and memorably so. Her work spans children and youth care with addictions, personal and senior care, respite work, and business leadership; delivering on all. Jenny is a Certified Virtues Project™ Facilitator, with professional training in child and youth care with addictions support and home support services. With certification in ASIST Suicide First Aid, Autism Awareness and Understanding, Trauma Information Care and Child and Youth Care Practice, Jenny brings it, with zeal. On top of all that, she loves singing, and is an accomplished multi-media artist … and brings both to her work. Artistry is a path to love and healing. Jenny knows it. She believes in it. She drives it.

Barry Lewis Green moves the needle on character leadership and unity building with joyful ferocity and thoughtful zeal. Barry helps leaders forge strong, united cultures at school, work, business and community. Joe Calloway says, “I had the distinct pleasure of being in an audience in Montreal with Barry Lewis Green on the stage. Quite simply, Barry absolutely captivated us with his talent, his message, and his heart. The feeling of unity that Barry created in the room that day was extraordinary.” With 39 years in education and leadership training and development … and work in the private, public and community sectors across Canada… and as a speaker, educator, master facilitator, coach, writer, singer, dancer, and cartoonist, Barry stokes the fire on together strong.