I woke this morning to the notion of Simplicity and life being less about getting through, and more about getting true. It is that Simple Man thing for me. Courageous Integrity, in action. This day, I would like to share some simple thoughts on same.
The “unofficial” name of these blogs here on site… is Sharpen the Blades, where I share on how I am attempting to sharpen the blades on the Congruence of Character, Purpose and Unity in my life. This certainly an example of such.
Yesterday, I posted on being world embracing. Today, I wake with the thought that we best meet and embrace the world showing up as our best selves. I also realize that, for me, four is a number that works well in organizing my thoughts in any clear vision. That said, ahead of a fun little, cool session for the Positive Thinkers Club this morning… I forged this vision of what I call my Core Four; and posted this on Facebook.
Meditating and Creating on my Core Four. And in Honor of the Spirit of Panda… and my own. It is less about getting through and more about getting true.
Essentially, these Four are my buckets forward. These Four are my dailies; something every day. These Four get me out of “the motions” and into “the mission”. These Four are my tires to “take me there”. These Four will serve me in serving in the world. That is how I will be world embracing… in mind, body, spirit and Soul. That will be my space of Fortitude and Curiosity and Zeal. It is the place of courageous Integrity; where we are who we are, how we are, when we are… and we spend our time doing the Hell Yeah stuff. These four are my Hell Yeah. . What might be 4 buckets of Hell Yeah vital importance to you? Peace. 😉
Barry Lewis Green, The Unity Guy with Epic Engage.
Developing Leadership Character – Ivey Business Journal
“Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.
Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. ― Abraham Lincoln