Of course not; but this is the end (for now) for our dive in on it. In Snow Small Change, you can find links to all previous posts. We encourage that read and dig in. There is some good stuff in there. Now, to close it out, for now.

Jenny says…

Please read my past posts on change in Change Makes ChangeThe broadCAST, and Make Change…. and Snow Small Change. To finish my thoughts for January…

The universe has a plan for each and every one of us. You are here for a reason. You may be lost as to where you need to go next. You might stumble upon it in the most random of ways. But know that every little positive choice you make in your life, it is the fuel for the leap into that new beginning. Your life is about to unfold this beautiful masterpiece.

It may not always be a sight of beauty, but let me tell you this, when that last brush stroke goes across the page, the last choice is made and your final new beginning has peaked it’s way around the corner, you will look at that masterpiece you call your life, and you will know that all the positive choices and all the twists and turns have led you here.

You, my love, are the masterpiece. You are the master of your new beginnings! 

Barry says…

End of change? Not on your life; except for the fact that while life is constant change… in many ways, we get to discern on and choose to change. I think there is a major difference in changing who we are versus changing ways we do and accept things. It is crucial for us to be true to our core. It is equally crucial for us to adapt and grow and add to our capacities.

This past weekend I found myself hearing, like many, of the passing of some famous and not-so-famous people. Prior to the news of Kobe Bryant, his daughter and 7 other wonderful souls, Clay Christensen. passed this weekend.

The news of all of this inspired me to write on what I call reconstruction. I definitely recommend the read. Reconstruction is not about changing who we are… it is about changing through adapting and growing on capacities, and aligning our words and actions with our deepest beliefs.

Growth and change is the role of education.

I am changing… not who I am, but how I increasingly better be and do it. There is a difference. Please read Reconstruction.

Be who you are. Do the change. It matters. You matter. Life matters.

Peace, passion, prosperity, and a whole bunch of Love and Character

Benny and Jarry

Peace, passion and prosperity…


and our MULTIVERSE of online forums and offerings

Jenny Dearing speaks to love in action.  She brings talent, experience and learning around love, trauma and care.  With a passion for Child and Youth Care and Addictions, and a background in same, she connects, and memorably so.  Her work spans children and youth care with addictions, personal and senior care, respite work, and business leadership; delivering on all.  Jenny is a Certified Virtues Project™ Facilitator, with professional training in child and youth care with addictions support and home support services.  With certification in ASIST Suicide First Aid, Autism Awareness and Understanding, Trauma Information Care and Child and Youth Care Practice, Jenny brings it, with zeal. On top of all that, she loves singing, and is an accomplished multi-media artist … and brings both to her work.  Artistry is a path to love and healing.  Jenny knows it.  She believes in it.  She drives it.

Barry Lewis Green moves the needle on character leadership and unity building with joyful ferocity and thoughtful zeal.  Barry helps leaders forge strong, united cultures at school, work, business and community.  Joe Calloway says, “I had the distinct pleasure of being in an audience in Montreal with Barry Lewis Green on the stage. Quite simply, Barry absolutely captivated us with his talent, his message, and his heart.  The feeling of unity that Barry created in the room that day was extraordinary.”  With 39 years in education and leadership training and development … and work in the private, public and community sectors across Canada… and as a speaker, educator, master facilitator, coach, writer, singer, dancer, and cartoonist, Barry stokes the fire on together strong.