In What’s Mission in Your Life?, I offered up thoughts, links and resources to help clarify on purpose… plus links to thoughts on Why, Will and Way… and some 16 character focused and driven posts for leadership and more.  That said, a simple thought shared here today is…

When facing significant change in one’s life, bring all weapons platforms to bear.

I found this meme on my Facebook feed today and, while I cannot absolutely confirm these words to be of Sitting Bull himself (though I believe them so), I can confirm that they speak truth for me. As a Baha’i, this deeply resonates for and with me.

That in mind and heart, it also speaks to me of the work within. For me, as I embark on significant change physically… working on healthy blood sugars, heart, weight and more… I am reminded that (a) this is a war for my optimal health, (b) it is a noble and just cause in order to be of better service to others and for longer, and (c) it requires me to dig into my own arsenal of weaponry for the battle within.

With 40+ years in leadership training and development, 25+ years in business education, 19 years with The Virtues Project, 17 years in the field of temperament and personality, 17 years with CAPS, 14 years with Dale Carnegie Training and more… with the blessing of having myriad mentors and coaches of my own over the years… and with a lifetime of lessons… there is an arsenal from which to draw. Whether it be hard, well and long earned leadership principles or experience and expertise around character strengths and virtues or self awareness and capacity around temperament, it is time to bring it all to bear on a new chapter and lifestyle.

The aim is 100k, healthy, strong, and vital to match a spirit already there. The journey is new foods and eating, exercise and more fully implementing my SLOWER Living model I researched and developed some years back but have not fully lived myself…. sleep, laughter, oxygen, water, exercise and real food daily.

I get good sleep averaging 8 hours daily. It is important. Laughter refers to doing things we enjoy each day … and I do. It is the proverbial medicine. For me, it means enjoying the things we truly enJOY… the shows, music, activities and hobbies that bring us joy. On those two counts, steady as she goes for me. I am doing well.

On oxygen, I need daily deep breathing and meditations plus activity to get good and robust oxygen into the body for it serves multiple purposes of relaxing, energizing, cleansing and burning calories. My water intake is about to increase to 2 liters a day. My exercise will be 30-60 minutes of devoted activity a day whether walking, weights, boxing, Salsa dancing, hiking or more. And the real food journey continues with a 2.5 hour session upcoming with a nutritionist. Through it all, I will be digging into my character, abilities, skills and knowledge around personal leadership and bringing everything to bear. This is the battle for the next chapter. This is my battle cry. There is a dance instructor guy that is coming back. There is a guy with a physical energy that equals the spiritual energy. There is a man here that intends to live and serve with optimal health, ever wiser.

This is about reclaiming my life; practicing Dominion… owning my life and its living.

That all said, my point this day is threefold. First, identify the battleground you face. Second, consider the warrior within. Third, look at your own arsenal of character, abilities, skills and knowledge. If you need more, shore it up; add your weaponry. The battle requires it and you are worth it. With 61 years and a substantive background of experience and education, I know upon what I can draw and I know the additional learning I need acquire. It is important that I and we arm up.

For life and living it ahead, it is time. It is time for me. Right now and for me, it is all hands on deck… all weapons platforms mobilized. In the days, weeks and months ahead, I will be sharing on this personal war. You will get reports from the front lines. I hope that you check in.

Peace, passion and prosperity…

Barry Lewis Green, The Unity Guy with Epic Engage.

“Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.

Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. ― Abraham Lincoln