In Your LIFE/work Explored, I shared thoughts and links around exploring and advancing purpose, and more. I noted that “Consider your own signposts to date. Inventory them. Try your hand at that GRATEfitti exercise noted above (you only need block letters and some sharpies). Find your common themes amongst them. Then, map out your next chapter. It is your life, and career.” I humbly recommend the read, reflect and engagement. I truly do.

That said, last week, and as part of my own LIFE/work, I shared dialogues on mental health and self care with my good friend Raven Warren… and links to all of our TUGtv series on community, leadership, Justice, ideas and thought, youth and humanity; all part of my own LIFE/work. That said, and today, I share another piece around conversations with Dawn Gough on environment, sustainability and Responsibility.

Episode 1, March 2021

Episode 2, April 2021

Episode 3, May 2021

Episode 4, June 2021

Episode 5, July 2021

and Episode 6, August 2021. And, it all started with an episode of broadCAST Live a year ago. All of this is to say and offer up that our purpose is to explore the “marriage” of ecology and economy… and what Responsibility can look like building the needed sustainability of both.

Dawn and I intend to continue these discussions as part of our Commitment to exploring the global goals. We will continue looking at ideas around individual and collective Initiative as it relates to building a sustainable ecology and economy. And, we will be offering up in Podcast format as well, soon. We invite you to join us and engage the thought around building a better world, locally and globally where we work, live and play knowing that the planet is in good hands. With news from the World Economic Forum today, we will need to get creative.

Peace, passion and prosperity…

Barry Lewis Green, The Unity Guy with Epic Engage.

Me on LinkedIn

“Intelligence plus character—that is the goal of true education.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.

Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. ― Abraham Lincoln