
Officially launching in Summer 2020, TUGtv™ (on Vimeo) will offer shows centering on those global goals, justice, health and more.

And now… it is LIVE, and going strong… 

TUGtv™ is “The Unity Guy” TV… on VimeoIt includes broadCAST Live as the inaugural show advancing conversations around the global goals locally, globally and glocally… then adding Justice Lead creating monthly conversations around Justice manifested and practiced in all its forms…. and Talk Reel exploring fun, funky, fierce chats with thought engagers around the world, again monthly…. and #hUmaNITY exploring aspects of being human together, around the world.

In addition, there are TUGtalks and Digital Coffees… where Barry himself engages random and real conversation on a wide variety of subjects from health to wealth, to music and more. TUGtv™ is “The Unity Guy” TV… on Vimeo… and it is intent on being real, raw, and results-driven… with a good dose of fun.  Check it and us out.

During the time that I have known Barry Green, he has displayed creative thinking, considerable skills and knowledge, and an effortless approach to instruction. He has offered career counselling services, volunteer opportunities, job search training and positive enforcement. I am grateful for his genuine offer to be continual support throughout the years and I know that I will be a better Human Resources professional because of him.

Maryann Coynoypopoylos

HR Professional

Our primary focus is on advancing the conversation and commitment to the global goals.

This is The May

This is The May

I am exploring Self Mastery and Stoicism right now, as part of my diving into the Virtue I call COOLness. I am growing more aware of the need of this strength in this world and forward. Some thoughts I offer here.

Candid, Cool Change

Candid, Cool Change

Our lives are both short and important… and to live them most joyfully and purposefully, Candor around what matters to us most MATTERS most. It advances our capacity to follow our own Cool Change.

4 Points of Crossroads

4 Points of Crossroads

Yesterday, I posted on Character and Consultation. At any crossroads, we can go back… or we can identify our Keepers, Leapers and Deepers. Some thoughts inspired by Linda Kavelin-Popov.