

In The Comic Commit, I said that my deep soulful desire to explore my Love for cartooning was not born of seeking new revenue streams, but seeking “a stream of conscious and unconscious Creativity”. As I walk the bridge of transition into Next Chapter,...
The Way: A+ Mindset

The Way: A+ Mindset

In Set Sail back in October, I noted the importance of action after planning. In teaching Strategic Management for years, I am fully aware that the 4 steps of same are Analyze, Formulate, Implement and Evaluate. To strategically walk forward, we best analyze our...
Set Sail

Set Sail

In Our Own FIMA, I shared on Focus, Immediacy, Mission/Meaning and Action. I humbly encourage the read. That said, this will be one of the shortest blogs I have ever written. It focuses on Action, the Execution. I have done my strategic planning (and am back teaching...
It Is Us, Indeed

It Is Us, Indeed

In Call It a Mission… I noted that Shoghi Effendi said, “There is no time to lose. There is no room left for vacillation.”  I suggest that this is not about panic. It is about noble Purpose, each day lived. Every day, nature practices this, in every Season. The...
Call It a Mission

Call It a Mission

In Live Present, Look Forward… I noted that Seneca said… “Putting things off is the biggest waste of life: it snatches away each day as it comes, and denies us the present by promising the future. The greatest obstacle to living is expectancy, which hangs...
Live Present, Look Forward

Live Present, Look Forward

It has been a month since I announced the relaunch of Sharpen the Blades. Since that time, I have retired from full time teaching and have blogged on same and more through posts including Own It and The Heroic Protagonist and Character Leadership Education and Return...