by Barry Green | Aug 28, 2019 | Blog, character, College, Epic Engage, Excellence, gratitude, Health, love, Service, unity, Virtues
In our last blog, Be Open, we spoke to just that; being open. To follow on that theme, and through September, we thought to explore openness to life, as it is. A mentor of Barry’s once said “life is best lived, living it at it’s own speed”. ...
by Barry Green | Aug 23, 2019 | Blog, character, Epic Engage, Excellence, Health, love, unity, Virtues
Last week, we posted the first of three blogs for August, called An “August” Trilogy. In part, it dealt with a then upcoming retreat amongst friends. That retreat has since happened, with some time taken to reflect on same. This week, albeit a couple of...
by Barry Green | Aug 14, 2019 | Blog, character, Epic Engage, Excellence, gratitude, Health, love, unity
Recently, we posted the broadCAST for August, on magnificence. It is worth a read, we contend. In it, and at its beginning, we say “The word august references ideas such as deep respect, reverence, awe, dignity, wonder and magnificence.” With that in...
by Barry Green | Aug 7, 2019 | Blog, character, College, Epic Engage, Excellence, gratitude, Health, Heroism, love, Service, unity, Virtues
We have started a new chapter with Benny and Jarry. With that, we have already shared on From Jenny, with Love and then Love and Character. Indeed, and over the coming months, we intend to expand into PODcasts of what we are affectionately calling the Benny and...