by Barry Green | Dec 31, 2017 | College, Epic Engage, Excellence, Global, gratitude, Health, Heroism, Job Hunting, Service, The broadCAST™, Virtues
BARRY’S BLOG Happy New Year! I posted this on Facebook and LinkedIn on the Eve… Call it a #promise or a #resolution. Both, by definition, imply #commitment to an #action or #goal. Be your own best friend and promise yourself something truly important to...
by Barry Green | Dec 27, 2017 | Blog, College, Epic Engage, Excellence, Global, Health, Virtues
Change is coming in 2018. To date, we have published some 332 posts under The Epic Blog name; right here. Personally, I chose The Epic Blog as a name to somehow “fit” with the Epic Engage™ branding. Truthfully, I always struggled with the name as it...
by Barry Green | Dec 23, 2017 | Blog
This is as much a thank you to many people I have not yet met, as it is a reminder for me… of possibility. Since #CAPS2017, there has been much learning. And, I have been late in updating on my journey back to health this week. But, I have been busy. 🙂 So,...
by Barry Green | Dec 18, 2017 | Blog, gratitude, Health, Heroism, Service
Leader ToC™ is back with a special interview (but they all are special truthfully). Still… this month, with our new iteration of editions about to launch in 2018… and now 14 in the series of Leader ToC™ Blog Posts: November with Jamie McCabe July with...
by Barry Green | Dec 18, 2017 | Blog, College, Epic Engage, gratitude, The broadCAST™, Virtues
The broadCAST™ is a monthly weigh in by members of The CAST™ of Epic Engage™. Independent experts in their own right, and I am humbly proud to say friends of mine… members of The CAST™ have an opportunity to share their earned insights right here, for you,...