The Real Control

The Real Control

“You will never get it all done”. These are words that constructively haunt me from some 24 years ago. Priorities… it is all about priorities. In truth, time management is a bit of a myth. Our time is finite. Indeed, I am reminded of this from...
Runnin’ Down the Dream

Runnin’ Down the Dream

In When the Swords Flash, I shared “These 90 days will be a running spirit… joyous and flat freakin’ out. It is not about arbitrary hustle and cliché and image, spinning wheels or going through motions. It is not about posing or posturing. It is not...
When the Swords Flash…

When the Swords Flash…

In The Little Big Bucket, I shared on 5 areas (or buckets) for me… and maybe for you. I said, “The above 5 would see such sense of both joy and accomplishment for me. They would be full little big buckets. They would be and are where I will place my...
The Little Big Bucket

The Little Big Bucket

The other day in Practice Dominion, I shared “Dominion is taking full on ownership of our lives.” This morning, I shared on 90 Days Ahead: United. There, I shared, among other things… “Given my recent reflection on my 9-year vision, I...


In Ready to Ride and Ride with Curiosity, I have been ruminating on readiness and the ride. I continue. Last night, I had no less than 7 dreams (7, that I remembered!), ignited by meditations of late… and around which I need to further meditate. Already, a...