by Barry Green | May 27, 2020 | Blog
In Step Back and Forward, I wrote… ” For me, it is time to take something of a spiritual step back, on the eve of 70 days of taking a physical step back under self isolation. For me, it is time to step back, to step forward. It is time.” In and...
by Barry Green | May 21, 2020 | Blog
In Candor Can Do, I wrote, “In these days, there is much to distract us. I know there is for me. And for me, Candor with myself and the resulting focus it will forge… will help me walk through those distractions with an assured step.” I suggest that read....
by Barry Green | May 13, 2020 | Blog
OMG, it has been two weeks since my last post here… written on A Stronger Ship. Last week was filled with beginning Intersession and a new term at College. In that last post, I shared on 4 strengths for a better world. Empathy. Endurance. Enthusiasm. Excellence....